222455The Final Demise of the Majingilane Majingilane的最终消亡/退位 James Tyrrell April 3, 2018 An old male lion, ousted from his territory and suddenly nomadic, will always have a haunted look in his eyes. Without trying to sound fanciful or assume he has human emotions, you can see that the reality of his situation has in whatever way it does for lions, started to sink in. With no more pride to provide regular meals, no more territory to defend, and with almost every roar in the night air the sound of an enemy that will wish to kill you, the harsh reality for these males is that they have376在克鲁格地区,非洲野水牛是狮子的主要猎物,要了解这里的狮子当然也要了解它们的猎物,本帖根据较新的研究成果说一下非洲野水牛在克鲁格地区的空间分布。 克鲁格国家公园约20000平方公里,雨季是10月至次年3月,旱季是4月至9月。年平均降雨量南部为750毫米,北部为440毫米。公园北部为茂密的阔叶树型灌木丛,南部为开放性林地型草原。523“Expect the unexpected” is an apt phrase associated with the bush and the interactions that one may observe. This was certainly the case whilst recently watching the Tsalala breakaway pride finishing off an impala that they had killed. In the bush one is never sure what will happen next or when an interaction between rival species might occur.("意想不到“是一个与树丛有对立关系的词。这意想不到的事是最近看查拉拉无尾组吃她们捕获的高角羚。在树丛里物种之间,下一刻将会发生什么。” Whilst feeding on the said impala ram, the Ta178910331341213393通过3群非洲象的位置数据了解它们在撒比森和克鲁格间的移动及家域特性。基本情况:首先是季节特点,这里降雨量最丰富的季节是12月到次年2月,最干旱的季节是6月到8月。3群大象中各有一头母象被戴上了定位装置,捕获和安装工作都是在撒比森进行的。装置每天中午发射一次信号,能收的就被标注在图上以用来研究。7119228摘自zhyhzh2008翻译。 这是Londolozi导游记录前几天保卫者这么久以来再一次回到Londolozi 机场跑道吼叫的情景25本贴简单讲述一下保卫者联盟与斯巴达狮群的故事,本贴主要根据马拉马拉网和londolozi的记载相互对照并按时间顺序来写,时间开始节点为2010年1月,里面有些属于我个人的看法,阅读时可参照有关原文和相关链接中的内容对照来看。 故事就从2010年1月开始吧,此时斯巴达狮群有3只成年雌狮、4只亚成年雌狮、3只亚成年雌狮以及一只成年雄狮(索罗,4岁7个月大),由于mapogo5#和6#的入侵,狮群四分五裂,其中一只年纪较长的雌狮跟mapogo在一起,他们发12冥河狮群在其地盘内的某些地区偶尔也被称为Mlowati狮群,主要生活在马拉马拉保护区,这个狮群已经在这1621265420