3题目: Some people think young people are not suitable for important positions in the government,while other people think it is a good idea for young people to take on these positions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. 正文: While someone hold the view that the younger generations are not suitable to have a vital position in the government, others hold the opposite view. The youth may not perform well on important positions in governments. Many youngsters just graduated from college and having no other social experience except several internships. Therefore, it would not b
0IGCSE/A-Level计算机辅导(包括但不限于该两门计算机课程) 本人本科国内985计算机专业,后专业第一保送985高校研究生且交换至法国完成硕士,现为国内高校计算机副教授,计算机方面已考取国家工信部软考高级工程师、程序员、江苏省计算机三级、二级等,英语方面考取托业840,多邻国120,六级530。近一年在国内知名的国际学校兼职As level与A2 Level学生计算机课程,总体具有多年计算机的教学经验,也十分喜欢a level这项教学工作,故有意辅导包括但
0从入门到优秀,英语小白的打怪升级指南! 零基础学英语失败率至少80%以上,这些被英语虐过的人里面,英语还没入门就已经选择放弃治疗了。如果你想成为那20%幸运的成功者,一开始入手的时候就得走对路。 首先,你要明确一条学英语的路径。 如果你按照最正统、最主流的路径去学,从小学、初中、高中、大学一直学下去,持续十五年以上。结果是,只有不到四分之一的本科生考过大学英语六级,考过六级的人里面,只有不到四分之一能够正常使
2大小作文写反了,大作文写在黄纸上了…… 发下作文之后,看到老师前面的提示格式,我看到白色在上面,黄色在上面,就默认为白色是task1了……当时太紧张,就忘了看task几……别人都说白色是大作文,怎么办? 我把大作文写在黄色上面了,我是国试中心考点
0主题句(topic sentence)+支持句(supporting sentence)+tie-in(再绕回主题一次,首尾呼应,也方便衔接下一个段落)。 其次是审题,题目里有一些不起眼的限定词,如果考生不细细读就容易写偏题,这样Task Response那一项只有4-5分左右了。 在备考练习的过程中,要学会灵活使用机经进行备考。若想要写作达到7分,就需要开始在机经刷限定词,在基础话题之上找到这道题的限定成分,缩小话题范围,紧密扣题才能高分。 02、修饰语与中心词 由于中式思维的
0出 雅思哥 Alisa老师 作文批改 已过雅思 还剩11篇 需要可以私信我~
01. Differences between countries are becoming less evident recently. People can see the same films, brands, fashion, advertisements and TV channels. To what extent do disadvantage outweigh advantages? 16.1.9.a 翻译: 最近,国家间的不同变的越来越不显著。人们能看到同样的电影,品牌,时尚,广告和电视频道。这在多大层度上弊大于利? 构思: 在近三十年的时间里,国家间的区别变的越来越少,特别是在大城市这种趋势更加明显。在胡志明市或仰光也几乎能看到和纽约和伦敦同样的电影,广告,
0免费修改雅思大作文🆓 需要请私信我~~ 本人雅思写作7分,这两个月可以免费帮各位雅思考生修改大作文
0You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. "Prevention is better than cure." Out of a country's health budget, a large proportion should be diverted from treatment to spending on health education and preventative measures. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? You should write at least 250 words. Everyonehopes to keep healthy in the world, so whether a country should use a largerproportion of financial budget on prevention measurements, or should spend oncure and treatments is a controversial issue. My view is that prevention ismore important than cure
9It is quite commonthat a certain number of countries whatever developing or developed countriesnever stop seeking an effective strategy to protect their domestic culturalidentities and historical heritages. There are conflicting views on whether givingtravelers proper instructions so that they could be responsible for this. On the one hand, one effect of these restrictions is that the majority ofthose visitors would be much more cautious than before and therefore thequality of this historical legacies and local culture is possible to beconserved for a long time without being damaged through th
0跪求大神剑8 和剑9的大作文优秀范文,研究生期末考试考真题用,有福利哦哦哦!!!
0好多人一提到写作就很痛苦,不仅是单纯的语文写作,新闻写作等等,雅思写作也同样困扰了很多同学,我们怎样来解决这种困扰走出困境呢?笨鸟雅思告诉你。 无话可说真难受 无话可说是滔滔不绝的对立面。有的考生题目看得懂,提纲也一目了然,就是不知道该说什么,在考场上头脑一片空白,想到的也只是空泛的东西。这是一种常见的现象。在这种情况下,即使是用中文也难以写好,更何况要用英文去表达。针对这一情况,办