关注: 428 贴子: 3,984


  • 目录:
  • 单机与主机游戏
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    Type 95 Kurogane (九五式 汽车) The Type 95 Kurogane was a Japanese four wheel drive car designed in 1935 specificity for military use, up to that point the Japanese army had employed civilian vehicles for all its transport and utility roles. It was fitted with three seats, the space for the usual four seat in the rear was instead occupied by radio equipment allowing the Type 95 to perform scouting missions. Approximately 4,800 were built during the war and they served on all fronts, most were destroyed but a few have survived in Japanese an Russian museums. Type 97 Shi-Ki (九七式
    灰姬u71 1-16
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    This news post focuses on the Japanese Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai & two versions of the Type 4 Chi-To. The Chi-To has been in D-day for quite some time as Japan's late war medium tank, but I've never been happy with the voxel so I decided to give it a complete overhaul. At the same time I also split the unit into it's prototype & production variants which you can seen below. Click of the unit names to visit their D-day wiki page for more information & pictures. Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai(三式-改 中战车) The Type 3 Chi-Nu Kai was a upgrade of the Type 3 Chi-Nu, changing the turr
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    LeO0o 8-22
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    happy new year
    nick_fu 1-11
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    我基本不用贴吧了,签到也很长时间没签了,所以我的吧主不久就会被度娘收回。 从我不是吧主的时候开始,本吧事务主要交予@nick_fu ,谢谢大家,我是时候离开了
    夜丿语 5-20
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    《红色警戒2_诺曼底登陆3.7》绿色中文版下载 _____________________________________________________________ 文件大小:460 MB 游戏语言:简体中文 文件类别:单机游戏 游戏交流:点击进入 更新时间:2013-11-28 开发运营:EA Mod作者:Migeater 游戏汉化:Mr丶极光战龙 打包优化:00郁闷的蜗牛00 安全认证: 应用平台:WinXP/Vista/Win7/Win8 _____________________________________________________________ 下载地址: http://t.cn/RhdcGmJ _____________________________________________________________ _________________________
    凯恩 2-20
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    Today*s news post focuses on Japanese Anti-Tank defences, which range from the inadequate, the opportunistic and the mighty. To see more information and photos of these guns click on the images to go to their Wiki pages. Type 1 47mm Work on Japan*s first indigenous anti-tank gun design started in 1937 with several experimental prototypes built, none were put into production though because of inadequate performance. Following the defeat of Japanese forces to the Soviets During the Nomonhan Incident in 1939 interest in a new anti-tank gun resurfaced. Work on the design continued over the next fe
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    嗯,贴吧越来越坑爹了,,, 觉得越来越无聊了,,,,, 所以放弃在贴吧常驻,,,, 就是这样,,,,,,,,,
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    It's June 6th, D-day! This year marks the 70th anniversary of operation Overlord the Allied landings in Normandy. As I write this there are events happening all around the world to commemorate this world changing battle. Celebrations starting early this morning at Pegasus Bridge where the first allied troops silently landed in gliders and captured the vital bridge in minutes. Later in the morning British paratroopers dropped from the skies, among them was an 89 year old veteran who jumped into battle for the first time 70 years ago. Not to be out done the Royal Marines reenacted the amphibious
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    鉴于本吧人气不佳(只差人气即可升级) 所以开启推广活动! ^-^ 规则:找几个人入驻本吧, 招募者把招募的人的名单在本帖回复一下,如: 【MODSuperBox】 被招募者:@ ?? @ ??? @ ???? …… 注意!被招募的用户在本吧连续5天发言(发帖数≥5,废话)才视为有效招募! 就是这样,每月底进行一次统计,最叼的用户就给一份奖励(如QB)啦! ^-^ 嗯,吧主我已经把钱冲到财付通里了,积极活动吧!
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    如果为已过期的贴子(忽视发贴日期,这种帖子一般为游戏更新或汉化进度贴)、距离发帖时间超过1个月的帖子均视为坟贴!禁止挖坟!!违者第一次警告,出现第三次即以上封禁1天。 如果有特殊理由,比如一个问题,1个月内没有解决,后来得知了解决方法可不视为挖坟处理。 我是 MODSuperBox 的小尾巴我为大家报时,发帖时刻为: 2014年04月18日 第2季度 周五 23时49分43秒741毫秒 农历: 甲午(马)年 三月十九
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    话说QQ群没人的么 申请两次了
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    愚蠢的凡人 接受神の怒火吧 这是命运石之门的选择 颤抖吧,凡人们! 欺骗一开始的你 欺骗世界吧 谁要吃变态的香蕉! 刚才收到了强烈的精神攻击 心...心灵正遭到侵蚀 不要靠近我!我正在执行阻止机关暴力行为的作战 手拿金坷垃,脚踏七彩云端,发出最后的呐喊 颤抖吧,凡人们! 如有遇到,请吧务配合删除。 _g63(522975334) 19:04:11 @观光-岚依 植入到帖子里的javascript代码 特性: 针对大吧:加精、置顶病毒贴、踢除小吧 针对小吧:互相封禁小吧 针
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    以后大家来这里水吧,免得本吧乱七八糟。全是水帖。 @MODSuperBox 可以吧,这样对秩序的维持有很大作用的。
    nick_fu 5-22
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    呃,话说这个吧好久没有正经的帖子了 28号那天我没事闲的就继续汉化了一些,这次汉化了很多单位。 没图,因为我游戏已经删了,只剩下CSF文件了。 谁能补图我会万分感谢的。 好了,下附汉化第二版链接(需和第一版一起使用) 第二版:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1bnH1i6F 第一版:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=360544&uk=3895438029
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    @124225952 原因:有些小吧从不上线,用客户端签到的也不多… 另外,124225952你如果也不能使用客户端连续签到的话,也请你辞退…… _________来自d-day吧一号大吧主
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    D-day官网:http://dday.migeater.net/ D-day下载及汉化补丁:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2384150677 玩D-day遇到问题进:http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2727364182 ARES平台官网:http://ares.strategy-x.com/ 附: 贴吧群号:18893452 QQ群号:327924944 吧主QQ: (251579496) D-day中文论坛:(在红警MOD版块中)
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    MODSuperBox 12-22
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    2011年10月16日,莫斯科北75公里俄罗斯小镇Dmitrov附近Peremilovo村,小松林里一棵叶子已经变黄的小桦树摇摆在秋季寒冷的风中。(美联社图片/Alexander Zemlianichenko)
    MODSuperBox 12-13
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    乱马粉丝 14:57
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    nick_fu 11-22
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    Italiana & Française, I've been away a lot the last two months so I haven't had much time to work on D-day, this is a round up of what I have done tho. This simple pier structure is used to house italy's new seaplanes. They are specialized in anti-ship work, carrying aerial torpedoes, depth charges & mines. Gameplay wise they are the equivalent of the other sides submarines or aircraft carriers etc. This 40ton box was Italy's first tank, two where built in 1918 just as WWI finished. Both where then sent to Libya but a year later only one returned. In 1934 the surviving tank was
    乱马粉丝 10-29
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      想当年我刚来这个吧的时候,这个吧的会员只有9个,算上我才10个,目录是个人贴吧,没有吧主,帖子都是水贴,每日签到数是1(就我一个)~~   好像申请了两次我才当上了吧主。(那时候哪像现在啊,没有实习吧主这个产物,申请吧主必须要管理员审核才能当)   后来我当上吧主了,在吧里批量艾特,召唤回来了一些吧友,在这个吧发了几贴,但没过几天他们就不来这个吧了。   我也曾经刷过会员,刷过签到,但都没对这个吧产生实质
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    为了使各位吧友快速升级,特盖本水楼一栋!望各位吧友踊跃练级,壮大D-day~~ ——我喂自己袋盐 >>Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:23.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/23.0
    KOVOSSI 5-1
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    暂时是唯一的讨论群! QQ群号:327924944 希望各位能加入该群,踊跃发言~谢谢~
    Oas 8-13
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    热烈庆祝超级棺材官方网站制作完成, 下附地址: http://ndng.cn/supercoffin/
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    下载地址:http://kuai.xunlei.com/d/Fs1nDAKBIwBjtrNRcc3 解压,运行RunAres,进入游戏。 *注意事项,游戏目录不能有中文,另外,由于模组不完善,导致无论选哪个国家,所有建筑和单位都能造,所以游戏时为了不崩溃,尽量建造自己所选国家的建筑和单位。

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会员: 元首

目录: 单机与主机游戏