1111月20号左右罗罗跑去LA显然不只是为床垫品牌做宣传去了,还有更重要的事情哦。米国奥运代表队2016年里约奥运会宣传的肖像照片出炉了。基本是全部项目很多运动员都参与了拍摄,游泳男队的代表人当然是菲尔和罗罗啦。下面放老罗的图(来自Google和Getty Images)
792014 PHILLIPS 66 NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIPSTweet 7/10/2014 Date: Aug. 6-10, 2014 Where: William Woollett Jr. Aquatics Complex, Irvine, Calif. Time: Heats begin at 9 a.m. PT; Finals begin at 6 p.m. This event will serve as the USA National Team selection for the 2014 Pan Pacific Championships, 2014 Jr. Pan Pacific Championships, 2015 World Championships, 2015 World University Games, and 2015 Pan American Games. Watch the webcast live each day at http://www.usaswimming.org/nationals. 8月6日-8月10日 罗报名6项
522本人最近两个月呆在美国,刚刚申请推特,作为脑残粉自然会首先关注罗罗啦(还有Taylor Swift)。鉴于吧里好久没有罗罗的新消息了,本人准备开贴更新他近两个月的推特,还有一些你们没见过的图片哦
4215国际泳联1月6日公布了2013年年度最佳男女运动员,中国跳水名将何冲和何姿[微博]分别荣膺最佳男女跳水运动员,美国名将罗切特和中长距离自由泳新人王莱德基荣膺最佳男女游泳运动员。 国际泳联年度最佳运动员奖为《国际泳联游泳世界杂志》发起,由国际泳联各成员协会、泳联执委会、媒体、合作伙伴和专家投票选出。本年度为连续第四次评选,获奖的主要依据是2013年巴塞罗那游泳世锦赛的成绩。今年的评选由674位重要评委投票选出,11位获202013 USA Swimming Golden Goggle Award Winners: • Breakout Performer of the Year: Chase Kalisz • Perseverance Award: Megan Romano • Coach of the Year: Bruce Gemmell • Relay Performance of the Year: Women’s 4x100m Free Relay (FINA World Championships: Missy Franklin, Natalie Coughlin, Shannon Vreeland, Megan Romano) • Female Race of the Year: Katie Ledecky, 1500m Free (FINA World Championships) • Male Race of the Year: Ryan Lochte, 200m IM (FINA World Championships) • Female Athlete of the Year: Katie Ledecky • Male Athlete of the Year: R12Ryan Lochte: 5 Things You Don't Know July 29, 2012 10:00 AM After the 2008 Beijing Olympics, it was easy to forget that Michael Phelps, who took home eight gold medals, wasn't the only swimmer representing the USA. But for this summer's 2012 London Olympics, a certain Phelps teammate has Us Weekly standing at attention: Ryan Lochte. As the 27-year-old swimmer embarks on his most promising Olympics yet, here's what else there is to know about the athlete who brought home Team USA's first gold medal at the 2012 London Games. 1. He has a few trademarks. Mention "Ryan Lochte" to any of his teammat12211615二楼放投票地址14视频可能就是@鸟自无言花自羞 发的那个帖子啦 Ryan Lochte visits Augusta, girls go wild: ‘He’s like 1,000 times cuter in person’ Nick Zaccardi Aug 27, 2013, 1:10 PM EDT Leave a comment Getty Images Highlights from Ryan Lochte‘s meet and greet in Augusta, Ga., on Saturday included a cute (or disturbing) fan poster, giggling girls and, of course, another question about Michael Phelps‘ retirement. Lochte visited a pool house at Augusta Swim Supply for an autograph session. Teenage girls began lining up at least three hours before his appearance, according to the Augusta26http://t.cn/zQQc7mk (因为发百度的地址老被吞,只好换成短链接了,效果是一样的) 有好多个哦~大家可以当铃声,也可当闹钟让每天早上用罗仔子慵懒的声音把你唤醒43按时间顺序,主要为英文解说版,中文解说见另一楼http://tieba.baidu.com/p/2490686505里面有详细的比赛时间和比赛成绩5一楼送度娘36谁都看见,你眼眶有泪,在我们看不见的角落。 谁都知道,坚持很辛苦,你却依然在微笑。 我说过,你最厉害的便是前一秒神情呆滞被叫到名字一秒钟变笑颜如花,但我也知道,你不会在人前表现出一丢丢的负能量,因为你已经不再是那个可以为从佩哥手上赢来一面金牌就开心到不行的小孩了,也不再会在比赛周狂吃麦当劳充饥了吧。 你的鸟窝头已经两年没出现了,是不是意味着真正的成熟,面对赞许质疑都淡定自若,顶着28高龄仍在拼命划水,开2459I felt like myself again. The first couple of days, I was worried about winning, worried about the times I went. It wasn't me. It's not Ryan Lochte. I woke up this moring without a care. I'm just going out there and having fun. =================================================================================== 既然你都这么说了,还有什么理由不坐等goldmedal的呢 先来一发今天AP IMAGE 霸气首页46203147运动员的比赛一年也就几次,平时都没什么新闻,所以就在这里开一个楼做问答,大家也可以踊跃回答问题啊~10吧里好像没找到这段采访,我就顺便贴出来,【虽然是好久以前的新闻了- -!】 新华社墨尔本3月30日电:22岁的美国小伙罗切特没想到,打破“仰泳王”佩尔索不败神话的终结者竟然会是自己! 30日的世锦赛又诞生了两项世界纪录,他们都属于美国队。罗切特先在200米仰泳中打破纪录,然后又和队友在男子4x200米自由泳接力中再破纪录,成为当日最威风的人。 罗切特在200米仰泳中“全面击败”佩尔索,不但以1分54秒