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【English Idioms】一日一句


A bit much
If something is excessive or annoying, it is a bit much.
如果某个东西过多了或某件事过于烦扰人了,就形容这个东西或这件事a bit much.
例:Isn't this a bit much?

1楼2011-02-15 13:14回复

    7楼2011-02-15 13:17
      Call it a day
      If you call it a day, you stop doing something for a while, normally at least until the following day.
      Call it a day:今天到此为止、就此结束、到此结束
      例:I think I'll call it a day and go home. 我想收工回家了。

      15楼2011-02-17 15:45
        English Idioms第5句!
        Earn a living
        To make money 挣钱养家;谋生;维持生活
        例: We need to get a good job to earn a decent living. 我们需要有一个好工作维持品质生活。

        17楼2011-02-28 13:24
          Earn a living
          To make money 挣钱养家;谋生;维持生活
          例: We need to get a good job to earn a decent living. 我们需要有一个好工作维持品质生活。

          18楼2011-03-29 14:30
            English Idioms 第7句
            Good shape
            If something's in good shape, it's in good condition. If a person's in good shape, they are fit and healthy.
            例: His body may have seen better days but he remains in pretty good shape. 他的身体已不是最好的时候了,但他体型身材保持得还相当不错。
            Currently, China's economy is in good shape on the whole. 当前中国经济形势总体上是好的。

            19楼2011-04-25 14:15
              Hit the road
              When people hit the road, they leave a place to go somewhere else.
              "Hit the road"与“打”无关
              电视剧的男主角马克发迹了,于是创办自己的公司大展拳脚。一天他接到客户电话,挂线后对其助理说:Let's hit the road。假如不看中文字幕,听到这句话会不会丈八金刚,摸不着头脑呢?To hit可解作打,而road是路:“路”又怎可以“打”呢?
              To hit the road:动身,启程
              Let's hit the road即“我们出发吧”,你可以活学活用to hit the road。
              例: We'd better hit the road. It's a long way home. 我们赶紧动身吧,回家还远着哪!
              Hit 还有些有趣又实际的用法。To hit the books是什么意思呢?
              相信大家都知to hit the books不会指“打书”。假如你看电影时听到I gotta go home and hit the books,你怎样理解这句话呢?
              你还可以活用hit说“Let's hit the sack”。
              假如你的室友还不想睡,反过来给你一杯香浓咖啡,抗拒睡魔,而你想说“这杯咖啡真是正中下怀”,你可以说 This cup of coffee really hit the spot。
              To hit the spot 是美国流行口语。多指饮品食品令人满意,切合需要。

              21楼2011-05-24 14:50