❤There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept the responsibility for changing them.- Dr. Denis Waitley❤ 人生两大选择:要么接受现状,要么接受改变现状的责任。
❤I think what messes us up most is that we all have this perfect picture in our minds of how things are supposed to be.❤ 我想,让我们感觉很糟糕的原因是,我们脑海中总是幻想着事情应该存在的完美样子。
❤If someone comes back to you asking for another chance, be careful because it may not always be because he loves you. It could also mean he is not done hurting you yet.❤ 如果前任要你和他和好,眼睛要睁大一点,因为不一定代表他还爱你,也有可能是他还没将你伤害完。