3.纲吉篇 Sawada Tsunayoshi 废柴纲-- Loser Tsuna/Dame Tsuna 死气弹-- Dying Will Bullet 批评弹-- Criticism Shot 死气模式-- Hyper Dying Will Mode X手套-- X-Gloves -- X-guanti 死气火焰-- Dying Will Flames 零地点突破改-- Zero Point Breakthrough Custom 十代目--the Tenth Vongola Boss-- il Decimo boss della Famiglia Vongola 天空之狮-- Sky Lion Version Vongola
4.山本篇 Yamamoto Takeshi 雨之守护者--Rain Guardian 时雨苍燕流-- Shower in Late Autumn, Blue Swallow Style 雨燕--Swallow of the Rain -- Rondine di Pioggia 匣兵器-- Vongola box weapon 鲛特攻-- Attack of the Shark --Attacco di Squalo PS丝裤阿萝squalo 就是鲨鱼的意思=v=
5.浴室篇 下马路医生-- Dr.Shamal 炸弹-- dynamite XX称号- -- Hurricane Bomb Hayato 左右手-- right-hand man CAI程序-- Sistema C.A.I.(Sistema Cambio Arma Istantaneo ) 瓜-- Uri 岚之腰带-- 'Belt of the Storm'