最近浏览peskin QFT的勘误表,发现个挺有意思的事实,洛仑兹规范应当写做“Lorenz gauge”而不是“Lorentz gauge”。勘误表原文如下:
“We are informed that the gauge condition "del_mu A^mu = 0", which in every modern textbook is called the `Lorentz condition', should actually be the `Lorenz condition'. Ludwig Valentin Lorenz, the inventor of the retarded potential, actually wrote down this condition in 1867, when Hendrik Antoon Lorentz was 14 years old. It is another example of the Matthew effect at work.”
“We are informed that the gauge condition "del_mu A^mu = 0", which in every modern textbook is called the `Lorentz condition', should actually be the `Lorenz condition'. Ludwig Valentin Lorenz, the inventor of the retarded potential, actually wrote down this condition in 1867, when Hendrik Antoon Lorentz was 14 years old. It is another example of the Matthew effect at work.”