In fact, I have been searching all over the net for her activities.
Finally, I got this :
「中捷友谊农场建场50周年庆典」和「欢乐中国行 - 魅力中捷」等活动已进入倒计时阶段 ~ 沧州临港
2006-8-29(?)《欢迎中国行 - 魅力中捷》的演员和曲目 ~ 网虫之家 外拍3 罗非鱼 ~
21. 歌舞 《太委屈》+《姐姐妹妹站起来》 陶子。
22. 歌舞 《好中国》 徐子崴。
23. 歌曲 《挪威的森林》 潘美辰。
24. 歌舞 《举杯吧,朋友》 阎维文。
25. 结束曲《跟我出发》 阿宝、董卿。
8月29日晚相约中捷广场 欢乐中国行 之 魅力中捷 ~ 临港开发区牵手央视 「欢乐中国行」走进中捷
日前,经临港开发区与中央电视台协商,为庆祝临港开发区的前身 - 中捷友谊农场建场50周年,央视大型综艺节目「欢乐中国行」将於8月29日走进临港开发区中捷。
But it appears that Pan Mei did not show up in the event!
Or Pan Mei just did it in the CCTV studio sometime earlier!
I think you guys still remember that Pan Mei has put up some of her pictures shot for 欢迎中国行 in her sina blog!
So my conclusion is that Pan Mei did not actually appear 2006年8月29日沧州中捷农场!
Just my wild guesses!
And you guys might also have noticed that someone has post another message of Pan Mei's mystery that she appeared at :
So, 2006.08.29 Pan Mei might have gone to that 滚石迪厅?!