从皮卡迪利走回摄政大街,(之所以走回是因为我之前不知道自己走过了= =),右手边的摄政大街68号是皇家咖啡厅。目前这家久负盛名的咖啡厅正和伦敦许多其他的建筑物一样,大概是为了迎接奥运会而全面围起来装修…所以图片是这样子的。成立于1865年的皇家咖啡厅充满了19世纪80年代的伦敦气息,备受当时的作家与艺术家的喜爱,其中包括柯南·道尔爵士和奥斯卡·王尔德。当年老福得罪了富二代,也是在这家咖啡厅的门口被几个蒙面歹徒揍得很惨。
We learn with regret that Mr Sherlock Holmes, the well-known private detective, was the victim this morning of a murderous assault which has left him in a precarious position. There are no exact details to hand, but the event seems to have occurred about twelve o’clock in Regent Street, outside the Cafe Royal. The attack was made by two men armed with sticks, and Mr Holmes was beaten about the head and body, receiving injuries which the doctors describe as most serious. He was carried to Charing Cross Hospital, and afterwards insisted upon being taken to his rooms in Baker Street.