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【魔兽百科】艾泽拉斯百科全书(转载) 三



IP属地:甘肃1楼2012-05-16 15:52回复
    大百科:Jarod Shadowsong加洛德·影歌
    By the time the War of the Ancients broke out, Jarod Shadowsong had risen to the rank of captain in the Guard of Suramar, and his sister Maiev was one of the senior Sisters of Elune. The Shadowsong family was not of noble blood, and so both siblings had earned their positions through skill and hard work.
    Patrolling night elf lands for possible intruders, Jarod captured Krasus and made the disguised dragon a prisoner. A strange and extremely powerful phenomenon had thrown Krasus back to a time that contained а fаr younger version of Krasus, and the overlap had left Krasus weakened and ill unless he was in close proximity to his younger self.

    IP属地:甘肃2楼2012-05-16 15:57
      After Desdel's death, the remaining nobles could not agree on a new strategy for the army. Jarod was forced to step into the breach. With his intuitive grasp of tactics and his natural talent at leadership, he quickly found himself appointed the new leader of the night elf army. The relieved nobles eagerly followed his commands.
      Jarod continued to doubt his importance to the war effort, but he received a very welcome surprise. Cenarius led a large group of demigods into the midst of the night elf army and humbly knelt before the astonished captain. The demigods had agreed to fight under Jarod's direction.
      As the captain continued to rally the night elves and turn the tide of battle, he caught the eye of the demon lord Archimonde. Malfurion's absence from the battlefield had frustrated the massive demon, who decided to take out his fury on Jarod. Archimonde was certain that the Legion's victory was inevitable, and so he took his time, sadistically toying with Jarod, slowly beating him to death. Very likely Archimonde took even greater pleasure in the prospect of finally breaking Jarod's iron will.
      Before Jarod was too badly wounded to recover, though, Malfurion and Illidan Stormrage worked their combined magic on the Well of Eternity. All the demons, including Archimonde, were sucked into the Well and forced back into the Twisting Nether, howling in fury.

      IP属地:甘肃5楼2012-05-16 16:00
        大百科:Dath'Remar Sunstrider达斯雷玛·逐日者
        Designation: High elf阵营: 高等精灵
        Dath'Remar Sunstrider was born a member of the wealthy and powerful Highborne. His family name was an ancient one, but most night elves had always considered it somewhat odd, given that they were primarily a nocturnal people who worshipped the goddess Elune. Even his appearance was strange, for his auburn hair bore streaks of gold.

        IP属地:甘肃7楼2012-05-16 16:09
          Regardless, Dath'Remar and the rest of the Highborne continued practicing their sorcery. As the highest caste of ancient night elf society, the Highborne had studied arcane magic for more than a thousand years before Queen Azshara came to the throne. Most other night elves had significantly less knowledge and skill at manipulating arcane energies. The Highborne had no intention of surrendering the magic they saw as their birthright. They felt that the lower-caste majority had neither the right nor the ability to judge the safety of arcane magic.
          Nor were the Highborne the only ones to maintain that arcane magic was worth pursuing. Dath'Remar and a few other night elves soon discovered that Illidan Stormrage had stolen several vials of pure energy from the first Well of Eternity, and then emptied three of the vials into a normal lake. In doing so, he had created a second Well of Eternity. He considered himself a hero, but most other night elves disagreed. They confiscated the remaining vials from Illidan and sentenced him to imprisonment for the rest of his immortal life.
          The Highborne were awed by what Illidan accomplished, and they soon grew bold in defying the new laws against arcane magic. They would not bow to the hysterical fears of the lower-caste majority. The Highborne felt they had taken all the necessary precautions by resolving to be more cautious than their predecessors. After all, the Highborne had no desire to bring about another Sundering.
          Rather than execute the Highborne, the rest of the night elves sentenced them to exile. The Highborne were thoroughly exasperated by what they saw as a foolish overreaction against sorcery. They were therefore not unhappy at the prospect of exile; on the contrary, they looked forward to it. Thinking ahead, they contrived to steal one of the magical vials that had been confiscated from Illidan.

          IP属地:甘肃10楼2012-05-16 16:11
            Founding of Quel'Thalas奎尔萨拉斯的建立
            The exiled Highborne then eagerly sailed to the Eastern Kingdoms, still under Dath'Remar's leadership. Gradually the Highborne lost their connection to the second Well of Eternity. Their skin's violet hue faded; they grew shorter in stature; and they lost their immortality. Like modern night elves, high elves have long but finite lifespans.
            All the same, they struggled onward. Deep within the northern forests of the continent, in the continent of Lordaeron, they founded the magical kingdom of Quel'Thalas and renamed themselves high elves. Using the vial they had stolen, the high elves created the Sunwell, a fountain of magical energy that was weaker than the first and second Wells. The Sunwell was designed to be constantly but exclusively available to the high elves, who chose its name as a further renunciation of night elf society.
            The high elves crowned Dath'Remar Sunstrider as their first king. Up until the Scourge's invasion of Quel'Thalas, the Sunstrider dynasty continued to hold the throne. The last monarch, King Anasterian, was slain by undead forces during the attack. His son, Prince Kael'thas, is the only remaining survivor of the royal bloodline.

            IP属地:甘肃11楼2012-05-16 16:11
              Status: Obsolete状态:已解散
              Last known leader: Warden Maiev Shadowsong已知最后一任领袖:典狱长玛维·影歌
              The Watchers were the jailors and marshals of night elf society until shortly after the Third War.

              IP属地:甘肃12楼2012-05-16 16:21
                At first, volunteers from the Sisterhood of Elune made up the Watchers, and so the organization was composed solely of night elf women. As their duties were broadened, the Watchers accepted night elf women from other professions. A mixture of volunteerism and military promotions caused the organization's size to grow somewhat, although the Watchers remained a relatively small group. Illidan Stormrage killed almost all of the Watchers after the Third War, at which point the group ceased to exist.

                IP属地:甘肃13楼2012-05-16 16:22
                  History and Organization 历史和组织结构
                  Shortly after the Great Sundering, Malfurion Stormrage sentenced his brother Illidan to imprisonment for having created a second Well of Eternity. In inflicting this punishment, Malfurion hoped to prevent Illidan from continuing his reckless pursuit of arcane power. By this point in time, however, Illidan was already an extraordinarily powerful sorcerer, and Malfurion dared not leave his captive twin to be guarded by only one or two jailors.
                  One of the senior Sisters of Elune, Maiev Shadowsong, had already shown her competence in guarding Illidan before he was brought to trial. Malfurion accordingly asked Maiev to gather additional volunteers from the Sisters of Elune. Maiev obeyed, and Malfurion called this new group the Watchers, for he charged them with ensuring that Illidan never escaped the barrow prison. Maiev, as the Watchers' leader, would answer to the head of night elf government, High Priestess Tyrande Whisperwind.
                  The Watchers were created specifically and exclusively to be Illidan's jailors, but as further threats came up, Tyrande broadened the Watchers' role to include guarding other prisoners. Maiev took grim pleasure in these added responsibilities. Watchers became jailors and marshals: they policed the barrow prisons and hunted down dangerous criminals.

                  IP属地:甘肃14楼2012-05-16 16:22
                    Outside of the barrow prisons, members of the Watchers worked alone. These deadly women were not a militia, nor were they considered part of either the Sisterhood of Elune or the Sentinels. As the group's leader, Maiev was given the rank of warden, which she later awarded to a select few who had proven their exceptional fighting abilities, tracking skills, and tenacity.
                    During the Third War, Tyrande realized that Illidan had been incarcerated for over ten thousand years. She felt that he had more than paid his debt to society; furthermore, she felt that he would be a valuable ally against the Burning Legion. Thus, she led a band of soldiers into Illidan's prison. When Illidan's guards would not surrender their charge, Tyrande and the Sentinels fought and killed a number of Watchers. Once freed, Illidan stole and consumed the Skull of Gul'dan, and he was transformed into a demon.
                    Infuriated by Tyrande's actions, Maiev swore she would track Illidan down and put him back in prison. In light of the demon's undeniable might, Maiev took most of the Watchers with her on the hunt. They pursued Illidan across the sea to Lordaeron and thence to the Broken Isles. When he entered the Tomb of Sargeras, Maiev grew worried that he would retrieve a magical artifact and become significantly more difficult to recapture.
                    She and the other Watchers caught up with Illidan too late: he had already claimed the Eye of Sargeras. He used the Eye's power on the tomb's stone walls, trapping the Watchers in one section of the tomb while seawater flooded the area. Only Maiev was able to escape; her sisters in arms drowned. In one fell stroke, Illidan had all but wiped out the Watchers.
                    Maiev swore that she would have revenge, no matter the cost. She abandoned her duties and continued to hunt Illidan until she at last followed him to Outland. Her lengthy absence from Azeroth, together with Illidan's continued freedom, has led the night elves to presume her dead.

                    IP属地:甘肃15楼2012-05-16 16:23
                      As one of the members of the Highborne, Lady Vashj considered it her birthright to serve Queen Azshara. Vashj copied the queen's hairstyle and clothing as much as possible. When the queen made Vashj her foremost handmaiden, remaining in the queen's favor became Vashj's sole concern.

                      IP属地:甘肃16楼2012-05-16 16:27
                        Cursed and Transformed诅咒和变异
                        Despite the Highborne's attempts to aid the Legion in summoning Sargeras, the portal to the Twisting Nether was ultimately closed before Sargeras could reach Azeroth. The Well of Eternity was unable to withstand the added magical strain, and it began to collapse in on itself. Under the sudden impact, Zin-Azshari and the Well were blasted downward toward the ocean floor. The Well pierced the planet's molten core just before being utterly obliterated.
                        Ancient Kalimdor was split apart, and the seas rushed in to fill the voids between the new landmasses. Azshara, Vashj, and quite a few other Highborne were caught in the rushing waters. Instead of drowning, however, Vashj and many others were cursed and transformed into naga.
                        Despite her subsequent mutations, Vashj has managed to retain her memories and personality. She has also become immortal, and she is not the only naga to receive this unexpected boon.

                        IP属地:甘肃18楼2012-05-16 16:29
                          Further Allies更多同盟
                          At Illidan's direction, Lady Vashj and her naga sought out the Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider and his group of blood elves. The desperate prince at first hesitated to accept the naga's aid in fighting the Scourge, but practicality won out in the end. Then Kael'thas' human allies discovered the makeshift alliance, accused the blood elves of consorting with the enemy, and imprisoned them. Again Vashj and the naga came to the rescue and helped the blood elves escape the Dalaran dungeons.
                          The blood elves were suffering terribly from their hunger for magic by this time. Vashj explained that the naga, too, were addicted to magic, and she said that Illidan could help the blood elves. She then led them to the portal that Kel'Thuzad had opened during the Third War (so as to give Archimonde entry into Azeroth). With no other palatable choices, Kael'thas and his fighters followed Vas***o Outland. Together the blood elves and naga freed Illidan from Warden Maiev Shadowsong.
                          Kael'thas swore allegiance to Illidan, and he and Lady Vashj joined Illidan in defeating the pit lord Magtheridon and laying claim to his Black Temple. Yet Illidan and his allies did not celebrate their conquest for long. In a storm of magic and fury, Kil'jaeden descended upon Outland and demanded that Illidan once again try to destroy the Frozen Throne.
                          With no other option, Illidan led the naga and blood elves back to Azeroth. The battle came down to single combat between Illidan and the death knight Arthas Menethil. Arthas won the fight and warned Illidan to leave the planet and never return. Since that time, Illidan and his allies, including Lady Vashj, have inhabited the Black Temple on Outland.

                          IP属地:甘肃20楼2012-05-16 16:30
                            Also known as: Cherished Heart of the People, Daughter of the Moon, Flower of Life, Flower of the Moon, Glory of Our People, Her Glory, Light of Lights, Light of the Moon, Light of a Thousand Moons, Radiance of the Moon, Vision of Perfection
                            又名: 民之珍心,月神之女,生命之花,月光之花,吾民荣光,女神荣光,众光之光,月神之光,千月之光,月之光辉,完美之相。
                            Queen Azshara was born with golden eyes, which were quite rare in night elves before the Great Sundering. Thus, golden eyes were commonly regarded as a sign of future greatness. Indeed, Azshara became the most beloved monarch in all of night elf history. She was also the last. Her reign led to the War of the Ancients and the Sundering, after which night elf society underwent sweeping change.

                            IP属地:甘肃21楼2012-05-16 16:48
                              Thwarted Plans反抗计划
                              Suddenly cut off from the Well, the night elf defenders realized that something catastrophic had happened. Refugees from Zin-Azshari brought news of the demonic invasion to Black Rook Hold, home of Lord Kur'talos Ravencrest. Kur'talos added the refugees who could fight to his own soldiers, and the army set out for Zin-Azshari. The War of the Ancients had broken out in earnest.
                              永恒之井的突然切断,让暗夜精灵防卫者们意识到大祸临头了。钦-艾萨拉的难民带来坏消息:恶魔入侵黑鸦堡——领主库尔塔洛斯·鸦冠的领地。领主库尔塔洛斯将那些能战斗的难民编入自己的军队,并将军队部署到钦-艾萨拉外围。上古战争正式爆发。 With the help of several allies, the druid Malfurion Stormrage destroyed the shield and killed Xavius. Azshara made Captain Varo'then her new advisor and her chief liaison with the Legion. By this time the Legion was divided: many of its demonic minions were out on the battlefield instead of helping to stabilize the portal into the Twisting Nether. The queen blamed Kur'talos' strong leadership of the night elf defenders for delaying Sargeras' arrival. She ordered Varo'then to eliminate Kur'talos, and Varo'then obediently had the valiant noble assassinated.

                              IP属地:甘肃24楼2012-05-16 16:50