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‖EXO组合‖120521+后记‖ 海外妹子迪斯尼超长后记



1楼2012-05-21 11:12回复

    来自这位妹子,她写了三篇。。。因为太长 我截不下全貌


    2楼2012-05-21 11:16
      So let me start by saying that there was a lot of couple moments especially Hunhan and Kray. When we were on our way to go ride the swings Luhan kept grabbing Sehun’s hand and pulling him closer to him. they held hands while walking until they got to the swings. That was the only ride that Luhan got on, maybe cause it was romantic and he wanted to ride it with Sehun haha. They got on the ride and Sehun sat in front of Luhan his back facing him and that’s when Luhan started to swing in his seat pushing Sehun’s. It was so cute cause he kept swinging it to get Sehun’s attention and Sehun just laughed. When the ride started Sehun took out his phone and posed for a pic obviously making way so that Luhan was in it too. He then smiled and put his phone away.
      首先,亲允许有很多夫妇时刻,尤其是驯鹿和牛蛋。当我们在去ride the swings (巨大的波动? 什么游戏?),鹿晗一直抓住世勋的手,把他拉近自己,他们俩手拉着手一起过去的,这是鹿晗唯一玩了的游戏项目,也许是因为它看上去很浪漫,鹿晗想和世勋一起玩这个吧(妹子你想多了)。他们上去之后,世勋坐在鹿晗前面,背面对他,当游戏开始时,鹿晗的座位开始转向在世勋的(?这句看不太明白)。它(座位或者游戏的设计)是如此的可爱导致,鹿晗不停地摆动它逗世勋注意,不过世勋只是笑了笑。(你俩谁是哥谁是弟?)当游戏开始时,世勋拿出他的手机,开始拍出拍照的姿势,鹿晗也是,然后他笑了放下手机。

      4楼2012-05-21 11:37

        5楼2012-05-21 11:38
          {FAN Account} Exo on the swings in Disneyland
          from: doojoongetinme
          So let me start by saying that there was a lot of couple moments especially Hunhan and Kray. When we were on our way to go ride the swings Luhan kept grabbing Sehun’s hand and pulling him closer to him. they held hands while walking until they got to the swings. That was the only ride that Luhan got on, maybe cause it was romantic and he wanted to ride it with Sehun haha. They got on the ride and Sehun sat in front of Luhan his back facing him and that’s when Luhan started to swing in his seat pushing Sehun’s. It was so cute cause he kept swinging it to get Sehun’s attention and Sehun just laughed. When the ride started Sehun took out his phone and posed for a pic obviously making way so that Luhan was in it too. He then smiled and put his phone away.
          When we were waiting in line Kris and Lay were next to each other. Lay kept leaning towards him and then Kris started to whisper into his ear and their hands were touching. When the line kept moving Kris touched Lay so that he would continue moving on the line. When we were really close to riding it Lay decided that he wasn’t gonna get on it so he said something to Kris and left with one of the managers. Before he left, Kris called him out again and said something to him, i think he was signaling him to wait for them at a particular place. Kris was so leader like it was cute. And they all followed Kris so well.
          When we were gonna ride the tower of terror, you know that when you finally go in you enter a room where they play the movie and stuff… Well when we got in we were behind Exo and when it got dark Chanyeol grabbed all of them and they formed a circle and kept hugging each other. While the movie was playing my sister and me were pressed against Suho and Kai. When we were walking outta the room my sis accidentally step on Kai’s foot LOL
          After that we kept waiting in line to get into the elevator. That’s when Suho grabbed D.O’s hand and he kept holding on to it for dear life. Then when i looked up I saw that Chanyeol was grabbing onto Kris’s arm. While we were walking Suho kept hugging D.O. Kai kept dancing to Mama (that’s what he did most of the time) and Suho then joined him. When they were forming the line to get into the elevator and they were told to like stay behind the yellow line Chanyeol then kept saying ‘Yellow line yellow line’ lol cause well the line was yellow and they were all supposed to stay behind it cause it wasn’t their turn yet. Chanyeol was too overly excited it was cute.
          And i wanna say that Kris, Tao and Suho were the ones that looked more idol like. They looked extremely handsome and perfect in their casual clothes it hurt. Lay, Chen, Kai, Xiumin and Luhan had their skin a little bit damaged it was so adorable. Sehun looked like a model. D.O, Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked like little lost puppies, they were in their own world. Chnayeol was so excited about the rides, Baekhyun was paying a lot of attention to the fans and D.O was just D.O with his creepy stare.
          Lay was pretty pale and his hair was damaged too, he looked so normal and yet so handsome I wanted to die. He was wearing a t shirt and then he took it off and stayed with just a wife beater, he is so skinny and pale and asjhjdfbjgnfkhsha
          I had him so close to me and I kept staring at him and his pallidness like a creeper omg. He kinda noticed and he looked at me like ‘what are you doing?’ lol I was so embarrassed.

          6楼2012-05-21 11:40
            When we were waiting in line Kris and Lay were next to each other. Lay kept leaning towards him and then Kris started to whisper into his ear and their hands were touching. When the line kept moving Kris touched Lay so that he would continue moving on the line. When we were really close to riding it Lay decided that he wasn’t gonna get on it so he said something to Kris and left with one of the managers. Before he left, Kris called him out again and said something to him, i think he was signaling him to wait for them at a particular place. Kris was so leader like it was cute. And they all followed Kris so well.
            当我们排队等候时,Kris和艺兴也在后面紧挨着的排队。 Kris一边在艺兴耳朵旁边说悄悄话,一边俩人的手还摸来摸去的,艺兴也一直紧靠着队长。队伍一直在不断往前移动,他们俩就一直保持着这种姿势跟着队伍移动。当我们接近那个游戏时,快要开始进入玩的时侯(就是鹿和勋玩的那个什么ride),LAY又决定不玩了,并且跟队长说了什么就跟经纪人离开了,在他离开之前,队长把他叫过来说了些什么,我估计可能是交代他在一会儿在哪哪哪等他之类的的,Kris队长范儿的时候很可爱,而且大家都跟他这么要好。

            8楼2012-05-21 12:00

              10楼2012-05-21 12:01

                11楼2012-05-21 12:02

                  17楼2012-05-21 12:16
                    I thought Lay was more handsome irl than in pictures. I guess I was wrong. He's totally rockin that wife beater and specs in pictures though. you're so lucky. thanks for the updates:))
                    but lay looked extremely handsome i was surprised that he was normal i guess, but i didn’t mean to say that he wasn’t handsome. he totally was i wanted to die. thanks a lot and no problem :)

                    24楼2012-05-21 12:33

                      25楼2012-05-21 12:34

                        28楼2012-05-21 12:40
                          我发到大吧了 艾特你了

                          32楼2012-05-21 12:55