British actress Sally Hawkins (Happy-go-Lucky) had originally been attached to the project but has had to drop out due to personal commitments. She has been replaced by (Olivia) Williams. 神马情况?
All I’ve heard is that she was in a relationship about 10 years ago and since there has been “a few mini relationships” - but no genders were specified. Maybe she isn’t gender specific because she’s afraid of being judged if she is gay? 这个。。。SH的私生活太扑朔迷离了
记者:Have you stayed friends with the other actresses? SH:Honestly, I would pick up the phone to them all. Bonding like that doesn’t happen often. You hope it does, but (acting) is a bit like school. You have people you get on with and people you don’t… and people you go to lunch with (laughs). 。。。SH你回答的如此迂回。。。其他的人爷不在乎,主要是EC你有米有联系。。。 BTW,LZ是英语盲问一下 I would pick up the phone to them all.这句用过去时,是表示应该做而未做对么? 所以翻译是:“我本应该给她们所有人打电话”,求指点
I don’t really (laughs). It can be a bit insane, this world, and I suppose I’m quite lucky. I also think there’s a danger if you’re acting and you want to be a ‘celebrity’ because people stop seeing the characters and start seeing you. And celebrity – I don’t want to be that. It would terrify me. 多么谦虚又有见地的孩纸,在如此浮躁的娱乐圈还能保持这样平和的心境,真不愧是爷看中的女人!!! 哈哈哈,SH居然说自己dull
There was also a health scare a while ago (which she once alluded to in a British interview and immediately regretted; she now keeps her private life determinedly private). 这块只是说她提及有过健康隐忧,好像没有明确说是慢性病。究竟是咋回事?? SH,I hope you are OK!