口袋妖怪吧 关注:1,070,864贴子:32,365,057
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[PO联赛第二轮][I09]祈雨后放晴 vs [I11]索南斯


Battle between 绱鍗楁柉锛� and 绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� started!
Tier: KD8瑙勫垯娴奶瘯
Rule: Unrated
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鍚涗富铔�! (Serperior)
绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Heatran!
链堜笅鏋奖 is watching the battle.
Start of turn 1
Heatran used Protect!
Heatran protected itself!
The foe's 鍚涗富铔� used Glare!
Heatran protected itself!
But it failed!
But it failed!
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�: 璇疯交铏�
Start of turn 2
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 鍚涗富铔� back!
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 瀹濈煶娴锋槦! (Starmie)
Heatran used Lava Plume!
It's not very effective...
A critical hit!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 lost 52% of its health!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 was burned!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 is hurt by its burn!
钻夌郴澶╃帇 is watching the battle.
Start of turn 3
绱鍗楁柉锛� called Heatran back!
绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Gastrodon!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 used Trick!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 switched items with Gastrodon!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 obtained one Leftovers!
Gastrodon obtained one Choice Specs!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 is hurt by its burn!
链堜笅鏋奖: - =
Start of turn 4
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 used Psyshock!
Gastrodon lost 135 HP! (31% of its health)
Gastrodon used Scald!
It's not very effective...
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 lost 29% of its health!
The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 fainted!
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鍚涗富铔�! (Serperior)
Start of turn 5
绱鍗楁柉锛� called Gastrodon back!
绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Heatran!
The foe's 鍚涗富铔� used Leaf Storm!
It's not very effective...
Heatran lost 28 HP! (7% of its health)
The foe's 鍚涗富铔�'s Sp. Att. sharply rose!
Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Start of turn 6
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 鍚涗富铔� back!
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂! (Rotom-W)
Heatran used Lava Plume!
It's not very effective...
The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 lost 14% of its health!
The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 was burned!
The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 is hurt by its burn!
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�: ...............
绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�: 涓嶈呖浜庡惂
Start of turn 7
Heatran used Protect!
Heatran protected itself!
The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 used Will-O-Wisp!
Heatran protected itself!
But it failed!
But it failed!
The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 is hurt by its burn!
Start of turn 8
The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 used Hydro Pump!
It's super effective!

IP属地:甘肃1楼2012-07-11 16:02回复
    Heatran lost 194 HP! (50% of its health)
    Heatran used Stealth Rock!
    Pointed stones float in the air around 绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�'s team!
    The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 is hurt by its burn!
    Start of turn 9
    Heatran used Protect!
    Heatran protected itself!
    The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 used Volt Switch!
    Heatran protected itself!
    But it failed!
    But it failed!
    The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 is hurt by its burn!
    Start of turn 10
    绱鍗楁柉锛� called Heatran back!
    绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Gastrodon!
    The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 used Hydro Pump!
    Gastrodon's Sp. Att. rose!
    Gastrodon's Storm Drain raised its special attack!
    The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 is hurt by its burn!
    Start of turn 11
    绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 back!
    绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 镐姏! (Machamp)
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's 镐姏!
    Gastrodon used Scald!
    The foe's 镐姏 lost 60% of its health!
    钻夌郴澶╃帇: - -椋庡奖鎴戝氨璇村槢
    The foe's 镐姏 was burned!
    The foe's 镐姏 is hurt by its burn!
    绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�: ........................
    钻夌郴澶╃帇: 链塺p鍟ラ兘链夊彲鑳�
    Start of turn 12
    绱鍗楁柉锛� called Gastrodon back!
    绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Amoonguss!
    The foe's 镐姏 used DynamicPunch!
    It's not very effective...
    Amoonguss lost 48 HP! (11% of its health)
    Amoonguss became confused!
    Amoonguss restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
    The foe's 镐姏 is hurt by its burn!
    Start of turn 13
    The foe's 镐姏 used Ice Punch!
    It's super effective!
    Amoonguss lost 82 HP! (18% of its health)
    Amoonguss is confused!
    It hurt itself in its confusion!
    Amoonguss lost 25 HP! (5% of its health)
    Amoonguss restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
    The foe's 镐姏 is hurt by its burn!
    The foe's 镐姏 fainted!
    钻夌郴澶╃帇: 鎴戠湅鍣╂ⅵ涔熻兘鏅嬬骇
    绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鍚涗富铔�! (Serperior)
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's 鍚涗富铔�!
    Start of turn 14
    绱鍗楁柉锛� called Amoonguss back!
    绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Heatran!
    The foe's 鍚涗富铔� used Glare!
    Heatran is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
    The foe's 鍚涗富铔� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
    Start of turn 15
    绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 鍚涗富铔� back!
    绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂! (Rotom-W)
    Pointed stones dug into the foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂!

    IP属地:甘肃2楼2012-07-11 16:02

      Heatran is paralyzed! It can't move!
      The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 is hurt by its burn!
      Alexxyz is watching the battle.
      锻靛懙 is watching the battle.
      钻夌郴澶╃帇: - =瓒呮ⅵ镞�
      Start of turn 16
      绱鍗楁柉锛� called Heatran back!
      绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Gastrodon!
      The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 used Secret Power!
      Gastrodon lost 26 HP! (6% of its health)
      The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      The foe's 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 is hurt by its burn!
      锻靛懙: 鎴戜笉鏄秴姊�
      钻夌郴澶╃帇: - =
      锻靛懙: 鎴戞槸澹跺6路路路
      绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�: 鎴戝眳铹跺甫阌欎简鎶€鑳�
      钻夌郴澶╃帇: 闄や简瓒呮ⅵ璋佽缮鍙懙锻�
      Start of turn 17
      绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 娲涙墭濮�-鍐叉礂 back!
      绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鍚涗富铔�! (Serperior)
      Pointed stones dug into the foe's 鍚涗富铔�!
      Gastrodon used Scald!
      It's not very effective...
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔� lost 22% of its health!
      锻靛懙: 澹跺6杩欎釜ID杩涗笉鏉�
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      钻夌郴澶╃帇: - =
      锻靛懙: 鍙兘闅忎究寮勪釜
      Start of turn 18
      绱鍗楁柉锛� called Gastrodon back!
      绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Heatran!
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔� used Leaf Storm!
      It's not very effective...
      Heatran lost 28 HP! (7% of its health)
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔�'s Sp. Att. sharply rose!
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      Start of turn 19
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔� used Leaf Storm!
      It's not very effective...
      Heatran lost 59 HP! (15% of its healt***d354 is watching the battle.
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔�'s Sp. Att. sharply rose!
      Heatran used Lava Plume!
      It's super effective!
      A critical hit!
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔� lost 71% of its health!
      The foe's 鍚涗富铔� fainted!
      Heatran restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      钁涜忆鐚�1 is watching the battle.
      绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 榫椤ご鍦伴紶! (Excadrill)
      Pointed stones dug into the foe's 榫椤ご鍦伴紶!
      Start of turn 20
      绱鍗楁柉锛� called Heatran back!
      绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Gyarados!
      Gyarados intimidates the foe's 榫椤ご鍦伴紶!
      The foe's 榫椤ご鍦伴紶's Attack fell!
      The foe's 榫椤ご鍦伴紶 used Earthquake!
      It had no effect!
      锻靛懙: 绁堥洦杩椤眬鏀惧纯浜嗗晩= =
      Start of turn 21
      The foe's 榫椤ご鍦伴紶 used Rock Slide!
      It's super effective!
      Gyarados lost 162 HP! (45% of its health)
      Gyarados used Dragon Dance!
      Gyarados's Attack rose!
      Gyarados's Speed rose!
      Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      Start of turn 22
      Gyarados used Waterfall!
      It's super effective!
      钻夌郴澶╃帇: - =绱一崡鏂�60浠栵紒
      The foe's 榫椤ご鍦伴紶 lost 96% of its health!
      The foe's 榫椤ご鍦伴紶 fainted!
      Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
      绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�: 鎴戝儚鏄镄�
      绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭! (Scizor)
      Pointed stones dug into the foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭!
      绱鍗楁柉锛� won the battle!

      IP属地:甘肃3楼2012-07-11 16:02

        Battle between 绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� and 绱鍗楁柉锛� started!
        Tier: KD8瑙勫垯娴奶瘯
        Rule: Unrated
        Rule: Sleep Clause
        Rule: Freeze Clause
        绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Rotom-W!
        绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鐗涜洐鍚�! (Politoed)
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚�'s Drizzle made it rain!
        Start of turn 1
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� used Protect!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� protected itself!
        Rotom-W used Will-O-Wisp!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� protected itself!
        But it failed!
        But it failed!
        Rain continues to fall!
        Alexxyz is watching the battle.
        锻靛懙 is watching the battle.
        Start of turn 2
        Rotom-W used Volt Switch!
        It's super effective!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� lost 52% of its health!
        绱鍗楁柉锛� called Rotom-W back!
        绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Ferrothorn!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� used Scald!
        It's not very effective...
        Ferrothorn lost 50 HP! (14% of its health)
        Ferrothorn was burned!
        Rain continues to fall!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
        Ferrothorn is hurt by its burn!
        Start of turn 3
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� used Protect!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� protected itself!
        Ferrothorn used Power Whip!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� protected itself!
        But it failed!
        But it failed!
        Rain continues to fall!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
        Ferrothorn is hurt by its burn!
        Start of turn 4
        绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 鐗涜洐鍚� back!
        绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鐩旗敳楦�! (Skarmory)
        Ferrothorn used Leech Seed!
        The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� was seeded!
        Rain continues to fall!
        The foe's 鐩旗敳楦�'s health is sapped by leech seed.
        Ferrothorn is hurt by its burn!
        Start of turn 5
        绱鍗楁柉锛� called Ferrothorn back!
        绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Espeon!
        The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� used Stealth Rock!
        The foe's 鐩旗敳楦�'s Stealth Rock was bounced back by Magic Mirror!
        Espeon used Stealth Rock!
        Pointed stones float in the air around 绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�'s team!
        But it failed!
        But it failed!
        Rain continues to fall!
        The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
        The foe's 鐩旗敳楦�'s health is sapped by leech seed.
        Start of turn 6
        绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 鐩旗敳楦� back!
        绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鐗涜洐鍚�! (Politoed)
        Pointed stones dug into the foe's 鐗涜洐鍚�!
        Espeon used Wish!
        Rain continues to fall!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
        Start of turn 7
        Espeon used Psyshock!
        A critical hit!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� lost 53% of its health!
        The foe's 鐗涜洐鍚� fainted!
        Rain continues to fall!
        Espeon's wish came true!
        绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭! (Scizor)
        Pointed stones dug into the foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭!

        IP属地:甘肃4楼2012-07-11 16:07

          Start of turn 8
          Espeon used Protect!
          Espeon protected itself!
          The foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭 used Bullet Punch!
          Espeon protected itself!
          But it failed!
          But it failed!
          Rain continues to fall!
          Start of turn 9
          绱鍗楁柉锛� called Espeon back!
          绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Chandelure!
          The foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭 used Bullet Punch!
          It's not very effective...
          Chandelure lost 32 HP! (9% of its health)
          Rain continues to fall!
          Chandelure restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
          Start of turn 10
          绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭 back!
          绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 瀹濈煶娴锋槦! (Starmie)
          Pointed stones dug into the foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦!
          Chandelure used Will-O-Wisp!
          The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 was burned!
          Rain continues to fall!
          Chandelure restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
          The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 is hurt by its burn!
          Start of turn 11
          绱鍗楁柉锛� called Chandelure back!
          绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Rotom-W!
          The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 used Scald!
          It's not very effective...
          Rotom-W lost 132 HP! (43% of its health)
          Rain continues to fall!
          Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
          The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 is hurt by its burn!
          Start of turn 12
          绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 back!
          绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭! (Scizor)
          Pointed stones dug into the foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭!
          Rotom-W used Will-O-Wisp!
          The foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭 was burned!
          Rain continues to fall!
          Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
          The foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭 is hurt by its burn!
          Start of turn 13
          The foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭 used Quick Attack!
          Rotom-W lost 20 HP! (6% of its health)
          Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!
          The foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭 lost 62% of its health!
          The foe's 宸ㄩ挸铻宠瀭 fainted!
          Rain continues to fall!
          Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
          绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 姣掗铔�! (Toxicroak)
          Pointed stones dug into the foe's 姣掗铔�!
          钁涜忆鐚�1 is watching the battle.
          Start of turn 14
          The foe's 姣掗铔� used Substitute!
          The foe's 姣掗铔� made a substitute!
          Rotom-W used Volt Switch!
          The foe's 姣掗铔�'s substitute faded!
          绱鍗楁柉锛� called Rotom-W back!
          绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Mamoswine!
          Rain continues to fall!
          The foe's 姣掗铔� restored HP using its Dry Skin!
          The foe's 姣掗铔� restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
          Start of turn 15
          绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 姣掗铔� back!
          绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鐩旗敳楦�! (Skarmory)
          Pointed stones dug into the foe's 鐩旗敳楦�!
          Mamoswine used Earthquake!
          It had no effect!
          Rain continues to fall!
          The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
          Start of turn 16
          绱鍗楁柉锛� called Mamoswine back!
          绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Rotom-W!

          IP属地:甘肃5楼2012-07-11 16:07

            The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� used Brave Bird!
            It's not very effective...
            Rotom-W lost 57 HP! (18% of its health)
            The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� is hit with recoil!
            Rain continues to fall!
            Rotom-W restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
            The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
            Start of turn 17
            绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 鐩旗敳楦� back!
            绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 姣曞姏鍚夌縼! (Virizion)
            Pointed stones dug into the foe's 姣曞姏鍚夌縼!
            Rotom-W used Volt Switch!
            It's not very effective...
            The foe's 姣曞姏鍚夌縼 lost 11% of its health!
            绱鍗楁柉锛� called Rotom-W back!
            绱鍗楁柉锛� sent out Chandelure!
            Rain continues to fall!
            The foe's 姣曞姏鍚夌縼 restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
            Start of turn 18
            绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 姣曞姏鍚夌縼 back!
            绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 瀹濈煶娴锋槦! (Starmie)
            Pointed stones dug into the foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦!
            Chandelure used Shadow Ball!
            It's super effective!
            The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 lost 50% of its health!
            The foe's 瀹濈煶娴锋槦 fainted!
            Rain continues to fall!
            绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 姣掗铔�! (Toxicroak)
            Pointed stones dug into the foe's 姣掗铔�!
            Start of turn 19
            The foe's 姣掗铔� used Substitute!
            The foe's 姣掗铔� made a substitute!
            Chandelure used Shadow Ball!
            The foe's 姣掗铔�'s substitute faded!
            Rain continues to fall!
            The foe's 姣掗铔� restored HP using its Dry Skin!
            The foe's 姣掗铔� restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
            Start of turn 20
            The foe's 姣掗铔� used Sucker Punch!
            It's super effective!
            Chandelure lost 142 HP! (43% of its health)
            Chandelure used Shadow Ball!
            The foe's 姣掗铔� lost 59% of its health!
            Rain continues to fall!
            The foe's 姣掗铔� restored HP using its Dry Skin!
            The foe's 姣掗铔� restored a little HP using its Black Sludge!
            Chandelure restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
            Start of turn 21
            绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� called 姣掗铔� back!
            绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅� sent out 鐩旗敳楦�! (Skarmory)
            Pointed stones dug into the foe's 鐩旗敳楦�!
            Chandelure used Shadow Ball!
            It's not very effective...
            The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� lost 33% of its health!
            Rain continues to fall!
            Chandelure restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
            The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
            Alexxyz stopped watching the battle.
            Start of turn 22
            Chandelure used Flamethrower!
            It's super effective!
            A critical hit!
            The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� lost 34% of its health!
            The foe's 鐩旗敳楦� fainted!
            Rain continues to fall!
            Chandelure restored a little HP using its Leftovers!
            绁堥洦鍚庛€佹斁鏅�: gg
            绱鍗楁柉锛� won the battle!

            IP属地:甘肃6楼2012-07-11 16:07