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Since light is a wave, and radio signals are a form of light, it is useful to review – both mathematically and graphically - how waves add.

IP属地:湖北18楼2012-07-16 16:04
    If we apply the explanation above to interferometers, we can learn a lot about how the VSRT
    works. In what we will call a “simple interferometer”, two collectors gather waves of the same
    frequency and add them together. The simple interferometer can be arranged to obtain
    destructive or constructive interference.
    The VSRT is not a simple interferometer – it has two collectors, but the frequencies collected by
    each are changed slightly before adding them together. This frequency shift has a practical
    purpose: microwave frequencies we are detecting are on the order of 1010 Hz and the equipment
    needed to measure these frequencies is prohibitively expensive. By shifting the frequencies
    before adding them with the VSRT, we instead measure the resulting beat frequency, which is on
    the order of 106 Hz, which can be done with our less expensive equipment. The frequency
    difference depends on the particular units and may need to be adjusted if the beat frequency is
    not between and about 15 and 1000 kHz.
    A byproduct of this frequency shift is that when you use the VSRT with a single CFL (compact
    fluorescent light bulb) source – which is a source of microwave radiation - you cannot get
    destructive or constructive interference, though with two CFL sources you can. Uncovering why
    this is the case is an excellent way to explore how the VSRT works, but does involve quite a bit
    of math, outlined below. You can, however, safely skip ahead to the assembly of the instrument
    and come back to this section later if you want to learn more about how the VSRT integrates
    Useful trigonometric identities for the following calculations are summarized in Table 1.


    IP属地:湖北19楼2012-07-16 16:06
      We define a simple interferometer as two collectors, distance D apart, looking at a source that is
      an angle from the normal. We assume that light is traveling at c and is coming from a single
      source that is far enough away that the wave fronts are parallel, as show in Figure 6. We also
      assume that the signals have the same frequency.
      Figure 6: Simple interferometer
      Because the source is not necessarily directly overhead, the wave received by the collector on the
      left has to travel an additional distance x, and is delayed by t. Using the figure above, the basic
      definitions of , , and we can express this additional distance x
      Select values for x are ideal for constructive interference, and others are ideal for destructive
      interference. Note that as long as D, , and c are constant, so is t.
      Conditions for Destructive Interference
      Applying trig identity 1 from table 1 to our original expression for , we find that
      Putting in this form allows us to see that the sine term depends on t and the cosine term
      does not – it depends on t, a constant, instead. As a result, there are values of t for which the
      cosine term – and therefore - will always be zero, the condition for destructive interference.
      The term will be zero when the argument is some odd multiple of /2 (recall that /2 in
      radians is equivalent to 90˚) or when:
      where n=0,1,…

      IP属地:湖北20楼2012-07-16 16:08
        Solving for t we find
        If we plug this expression for into our expression for x, we find
        In other words, we will have destructive interference when the two sine waves arrive an odd
        number of half wavelengths apart, equivalent to being of phase by 180˚.
        Conditions for Constructive Interference
        In our expression for
        we will have constructive interference when the term is a maximum. This occurs
        or when
        Therefore, when the distance x is an even multiple of half wavelengths (or an integer number of
        wavelengths, ), we will have constructive interference.
        Interestingly, since , the distance D between the collectors AND the location of the
        source are important factors that affect what kind of interference occurs. Therefore, with a simple
        interferometer observing at a given frequency, we could in principle simply separate the
        collectors (affecting D) or change the source direction ( ) to produce constructive or destructive

        IP属地:湖北21楼2012-07-16 16:09
          The VSRT is NOT a simple interferometer because it adds waves with slightly different
          frequencies. The VSRT has two collectors, or Low Noise Block Downconverter Feeds (LNBFs).
          Each LNBF (A and B), downconverts the collected signal frequency by respectively.
          For example, an LNBF signal at 12 GHz is mixed with a local oscillator at 11.25 GHz so that it
          is downconverted to the difference ( ) of the two frequencies, 750 MHz. As a result of
          these shifts, the signals that exit the LNBFs take the following form:
          If we combine SA and SB, we have
          Applying trig identity 1 listed in table 1, we find that
          The terms highlighted in yellow are where differs from from the simple
          interferometer. The sine term still depends on t, but the cosine term now also depends on t.
          Therefore, unless , the cosine term varies with time. Note that if then
          Therefore, because the LNBFs convert the incoming frequencies down to slightly different
          output frequencies, the VSRT does not behave exactly as the simple baseline interferometer
          described in CASE 1. So what kind of signal does the VSRT put out?
          After the frequency shifted signals are combined into , the signal is passed through a
          Square Law Detector, where the signal is squared:
          Using trig identities 2 and 3 from table 1, we find:
          There are several terms in this expression and since this signal is integrated over time, it is useful
          to investigate which terms contribute most to the overall signal. The order of magnitude of each
          of the terms is listed in Table 2.

          IP属地:湖北22楼2012-07-16 16:09
            Table 2
            Term Typical Values Order of
            x/c = 10 m/
            Recall that . If we plug these values in and only keep the dominant factors, we
            As a result of this simplification, the arguments for the cosine terms are either a high (1011) or a
            low (107) angular frequency. If we plot sample cosines with high (in red) and low frequencies (in
            blue) on the same plot, we get Figure 7:
            Figure 7: Comparison of waves with large and small frequencies
            Notice that over time, the high frequency (red) curve oscillates many more times around zero
            than does the low frequency (blue) curve over the same period of time. Therefore, the high
            frequency plot will average out to zero faster than the low frequency.

            IP属地:湖北23楼2012-07-16 16:09
              Given that the high frequency terms will average out to zero faster over time, any term
              containing a high frequency in the expression for will go to zero and we are left with
              We can interpret this expression as a constant plus a sinusoidal term that depends on the beat
              frequency between the two oscillators. Again, this beat frequency is on the order of
              106 Hz, within the range of our existing electronics. Note that since the cosine term depends on
              time, there is no time when you can get destructive or constructive interference using the VSRT
              and a single CFL source.
              Table 3 summarizes the similarities and differences between a simple interferometer and a VSRT
              with a single source.

              IP属地:湖北24楼2012-07-16 16:09
                Interestingly, we can get constructive and destructive interference with the VSRT, but we have to
                use two CFLs.
                If we now use the VSRT with two CFLs, source1 and source2, the registered signal is the sum of
                4 sine waves:
                where the notably different terms are representing time delays associated with different
                locations of source 1 or 2.
                Using trig identity 1 listed in table 1, this expression simplifies to
                Again, the only terms that are different from are the delay times .
                If we square the signal and time average the ter***ike we did in CASE 2, the expression for
                reduces to
                Using trig identity 4 from table 1, we simplify further so that
                Notice the similarities between and from CASE 1.
                Most notably both have a term that does not depend on time, introducing an opportunity for
                constructive and destructive interference. These similarities are summarized in Table 4.

                IP属地:湖北25楼2012-07-16 16:10
                  Table 4: Summary of how a VSRT with two CFLs can emulate a simple interferometer
                  Simple Interferometer with a Single
                   single source infinitely far away at
                  an angle (source position
                  measured as angular deviation from
                   two collectors a distance D apart
                  VSRT with Two CFLs
                   Two sources infinitely far away at an angle arriving with time
                   two collectors a distance D apart,
                   Collectors adding signals with DIFFERENT frequencies, where one
                  is offset by and the other by
                  Signals are simply added Signals are frequency shifted then added
                  Summed Wave:
                  Summed Wave:
                  Maximum destructive interference
                  ( ) happens when:
                  - i.e. when
                  the waves are out of phase by 180˚,
                  or an odd number of half
                  wavelengths apart
                  Maximum constructive interference
                  happens when:
                  , i.e. when the light
                  waves are in phase, or spaced apart by
                  an integer number of wavelengths apart
                  Maximum destructive interference happens when:
                  - i.e. when the
                  wavelengths are out of phase by 180 ˚, or an odd number of half
                  wavelengths apart
                  Maximum constructive interference happens when:
                  , i.e. when the wavelengths are in
                  phase, or an integer number of wavelengths apart
                  In summary: If we now look at two sources with the VSRT, we find that the VSRT acts like the
                  simple interferometer discussed in CASE 1. The expression for CASE 3 is most
                  similar to the expression for CASE 1. The cosine term at the end of the expression for
                  does not depend on t, so it is possible for us to have constructive and destructive
                  interference. Instead of t, we now have the difference in the time delays between the two
                  sources, , so once again, as in CASE 1, the interference depends on the location of the
                  sources and the distance between the collectors. (See also VSRT memo 34 (Rogers, VSRT
                  Memo #34, 2008) using an alternate analysis using the concept of the correlation of signals in
                  radio interferometry. From this viewpoint it is shown how the square law detector provides the
                  correlation of the signals from two LNBFs.)

                  IP属地:湖北26楼2012-07-16 16:10
                    WORKS CITED
                    NAIC - Arecibo Observatory. (n.d.). Retrieved from
                    NRAO/AUI - VLA. (n.d.). Retrieved from
                    Rogers, A. E. (2008, March 14). VSRT Memo #34. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from
                    Rogers, A. E., & Pratap, P. (2009, January 30). VSRT Memo #47. Retrieved August 4, 2009,
                    VLA, Wiki. (n.d.). Retrieved August 4, 2009, from Wiki:
                    VSRT_Team. (n.d.). VSRT Software. Retrieved from

                    IP属地:湖北27楼2012-07-16 16:11
                      VSRT ASSEMBLY MANUAL
                      Dr. Martina B. Arndt
                      Department of Physics
                      Bridgewater State College (MA)
                      Based on work by
                      Dr. Alan E.E. Rogers
                      MIT‟s Haystack Observatory (MA)
                      With contributions from:
                      Robert Schweitzer „09
                      Bridgewater State College (MA)
                      August, 2009

                      IP属地:湖北28楼2012-07-16 16:11
                        THE VSRT: ASSEMBLY
                        The Very Small Radio Telescope (VSRT) is an inexpensive, portable, easily assembled
                        instrument made out of off the shelf parts. Included in this section are an equipment list and
                        detailed assembly instructions along with a few trouble shooting tips. A complete series of
                        Memos related to the VSRT are available online as well (VSRT_Team, VSRT Memos).
                        EQUIPMENT: HARDWARE LIST
                        The VSRT is made up of Ku 12 GHz Low Noise Block Downconverter Feeds (LNBFs – i.e. two
                        recycled Direct TV receivers), power supplies, inline amplifiers, a diode detector and a USB
                        video frame grabber to digitize the data for processing in a PC. Table 1 lists the full part list
                        (Rogers & Pratap, VSRT Memo #47, 2009).
                        When the VSRT is fully assembled, without the satellite dishes, and attached to a computer, it
                        looks something like the set up in Figure 1.
                        Compact Fluorescent
                        lamp source Active feeds
                        DC power supply
                        Square law
                        DC power
                        Laptop displaying data from
                        frame grabber
                        Display of
                        fringes spectrum
                        monitor of
                        Fringe amplitude vs
                        Az/El of sun and
                        Figure 1: Components of the VSRT interferometer

                        IP属地:湖北29楼2012-07-16 16:12
                          Once you have collected and identified all the parts for the VSRT, you can follow the schematic
                          in Figure 2 to assemble it. Several of the steps are detailed below, along with photos to help
                          guide you. Note that you will need to do some soldering.
                          Following are figures and instructions to assemble specific parts of the schematic shown in
                          Figure 2.

                          IP属地:湖北31楼2012-07-16 16:12
                            Note that many memos have been published that address various aspects of the VSRT
                            (VSRT_Team, VSRT Memos). These are an excellent resource for troubleshooting as well.
                            Beat frequency is confused with the low frequency noise
                            In most cases the difference in local oscillator frequencies for the 2 LNBFs will be in
                            an acceptable range between about 15 and 1000 kHz. If this is not the case and the
                            frequencies are so close that the beat frequency is confused with the low frequency
                            noise you have 2 options.
                            a. Purchase another LNBF
                            b. Make a frequency adjustment as described in VSRT memo #23 (Rogers,
                            VSRT Memo #23, 2007).
                            If you can’t get “fringes” at all run the following tests.
                            c. Hook up a voltmeter to the detector output and check that each LNBF give a
                            reasonable power level by connecting one LNBF at a time.

                            IP属地:湖北32楼2012-07-16 16:13
                              d. With one LNBF at a time check that the power increases when the CFL is
                              brought close. If you can run the setup outside point the LNBF at the sky and
                              observe the power. Compare your results with the typical readings given in
                              VSRT memo #17 (Rogers, VSRT Memo #17, 2007).
                              e. Make sure the cable lengths from the LNBFs to the power combiner are equal.
                              f. Check that the L.O. difference is not too close to zero. Look close to the zero
                              frequency end of the spectrum for the “beat”. Heat one LNBF which will
                              cause its L.O. frequency to change to see if you can move a beat out of the
                              noise at the low end of the spectrum.
                              Antenna pointing.
                              When trying to point a dish at the Sun or other source use a mirror stuck to the center of
                              the dish as a pointing guide. A flat 38mm×38mm mirror from Edmund Scientific part
                              number 3052323 (Scientific, 2009) is a good choice.
                              Square Law detector
                              The detector will only take the square of the waveform over a relatively narrow range. In most
                              cases the inline amplifier which comes with the Radio Shack power injector plus one additional
                              amplifier will provide about the right level (between 30 to 250 mV see VSRT memo #7 (Rogers,
                              VSRT Memo #7, 2007) ) as measured with a voltmeter with the load of the frame grabber
                              connected. If you are not in the square law range, experiments for which you measure levels will
                              be in error while those which rely on looking for a null will not be affected.
                              1] Alignments
                              The beam patterns of the LNBFs should be measured and taken into account when necessary.
                              2] Delay compensation
                              To satisfy the “white fringe” condition the path lengths should be close to one half of the inverse
                              bandwidth or better. In some experiments it may be necessary to make the paths more equal by
                              adjusting the cable lengths to one LNBF or using an optional filter to narrow the I.F. Bandwidth.

                              IP属地:湖北33楼2012-07-16 16:14