哦哭了No. 5的图上错了= = 和这张换一换你们就将就着看吧,sorry! 3. I wanna have our baby in our home...I wanna move back into our home, and have our baby in our home 3. “我想在家里生宝宝……我想搬回我们的家,在我们的家里生我们的宝宝”(213) 这是97楼的图
1. When they start to become friends again, when Tina is pregnant 1. 当Tina怀孕,她俩又开始做朋友的时候 No. 1 好模糊呢,我觉得这个榜单上S1、2的好多,在我印象里总觉得S5、6才是属于Tibette的,可能是因为在那个论坛榜单出的时候S6还没播完?猜测~
TOP TEN WORST OUTFITS 11. Bette's black dress with the huge silver butterfly/bow (whatever the hell that was) 10. Shane's leatherette bustier (season 1) 9. Bette's high-necked frou-frou blouse (several to choose from in season 4) 8. Alice's Little House on the Prairie outfit (date with Tasha at The Planet for Kit's Bareback debut) 7. Jenny's travel cape (season 2) 6. Tina's blue velvet dress for the Provocations opening 5. Bette's brown crisis cardigan (every time there's a crisis!) 4. Alice's Pride parade one-piece 3. Papi's beach party "sweats and tails" outfit 2. Tina's "blue bra under a white shirt" business outfit (season 4) 1. Bette's hideous purple Victorian get-up she wore to Melvin's funeral.
TOP TEN BEST OUTFITS 11. Tina in the dress she wore for the wrap party. 10. Tina's outfit at the coming out party 9. Shane in her underwear ad 8. Carmen in underwear and panties(stripping) 7. Shane in her banker's best, a tailored, pin-striped white dress shirt, tie and waistcoat. 6. Outfit Bette wore when she went to vistit Tina at her appartment for the first time 5. Dress Bette wore to Tina's award ceremony 4. Papi in argyle sweater vest and white pants 3. Tasha in cammies with a pretty smile on her face (Thats Hot) 2. Helena in her prison uniform 1. Shane in her 70s-inspired Jordache-and-plaid Charlie's Angels costume 1. Black tight dress Bette wore at Tina And Henry's mixer. (SEXY)