小兔gaara吧 关注:1,739,731贴子:92,596,559



1楼2012-08-26 19:58回复
    喜欢请按‘顶' ,不喜欢请按有上交的叉子。。
    贴子需要动力 。。。。。。

    2楼2012-08-26 20:02
      各位亲们请注意,此为整理+转+原创。其实说不上原创也说不上转,毕竟大家喜欢的歌就那么几首。雷同也不奇怪 。。。。

      5楼2012-08-26 20:07
        anyone of us-gareth gates,03年的销售冠军单曲。甜美的男声。gareth gates的很多歌曲都很不错,其他的代表作有with you all the time,lies,tell me one more time,say it is't so,这几首都经常听。


        6楼2012-08-26 20:08
          traveling light-joel hanson & sara groves,这首是一首轻快地歌曲,疲倦的时候听一下马上会神清气爽,轻装前行,有的时候真的累了,疲倦的心灵是否需要放松一下了,开着小车一路疾驰而过,让风吹乱头发,也许这就是另一种享受。

          乔伊.汉森曾经是荣获过格莱美奖和基督摇滚音乐和平鸽奖(Dove Award)的美国福音乐队(PFR)的成员主唱和吉他手。在1997年PFR解体之后,他走上了单飞的音乐道路,但2000年PFR又重新组合起来,并且先后推出了《Captured》和《 Broken》两张专辑。但是并未取得理想的效果,直到他与Sara Groves合作的一首单曲《Travelling Light》推出之后,才取得了轰动效果。“Travelling Light”中文翻译可以说成是“轻装上阵”,恰如其分地反映了乔伊.汉森在之前遇到的困境和释怀与解脱。而这首歌曲也是很轻松的音乐,思绪在飘渺的旋律中尽情地放纵,往事在悠悠的曲子里隐现,动听的旋律勾起的总是最美好的回忆。就像在夕阳下,迎着柔和的阳光,卸下身上重重的行囊,奔向远方…值得回味!

          10楼2012-08-26 20:13

            nothing gonna change my love for you-westlife,西城男孩的经典曲目,相信本吧有西城的粉丝吧。这歌作为告白歌挺好的,呵呵,西城的经典翻唱曲目,翻唱的特别成功,已经远远超过了原唱的水平,还有方大同版的,不过楼主只喜欢西城版的。

            11楼2012-08-26 20:15

              pretty boy-m2m,2000年的老歌了,如今依然很火,挪威的二人组合。这首是m2m在亚洲最火的一首歌,m2m在欧美最火的歌是the day you went away,被王心凌翻唱为第一次爱的人,感觉不如原作。pretty boy在欧美市场好像都没有进top50,而在亚洲却是异常的火爆,这就是东西文化的差异,pretty boy还有中文版,也是m2m唱的。
              M2M(窈窕美眉)是由两个来自挪威的小女孩Marit (乖乖美眉——玛莉特)及Marion (好动美眉——玛莉安)所组成的团体,由于两人名字都是M开头,所以就叫M2M。 Marit与Marion两人认识于1990年(大约五岁时),由于对音乐的喜爱,两人成了好朋友,并常在一起为家人及朋友表演。 他们的第一张唱片是八岁时以挪威语灌录的儿童专辑,这张专辑也获得Spillemanspriest (相当于挪威葛莱美奖)《最佳儿童专辑》提名。当时他们的团名是Marit & Marion。 最终于2002年解散。也是英文缩写,可代表machine to machine或者macroscopy to microcosmic
              I lie awake at night
              See things in black and white
              I've only got you inside my mind
              You know you have made me blind
              I lie awake and pray
              that you will look my way
              I have all this longing in my heart
              I knew it right from the start
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
              Like I never ever loved no one before you
              Pretty pretty boy of mine
              Just tell me you love me too
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
              Let me inside make me stay right beside you
              I used to write your name
              And put it in a frame
              And sometime I think I hear you call
              Right from my bedroom wall
              You stay a little while
              And tough me with your smile
              And what can I say to make you mine
              To tough out for you in time
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
              Like I never ever loved no one before you
              Pretty pretty boy of mine
              Just tell me you love me too
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
              Let me inside make me stay right beside you
              Oh pretty boy pretty boy pretty boy
              Say you love me too
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I love you
              Like I never ever loved no one before you
              Pretty pretty boy of mine
              Just tell me you love me too
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I need you
              Oh my pretty pretty boy I do
              Let me inside make me stay right beside you

              12楼2012-08-26 20:16
                a todo color-魏如萱,这首很特殊,是西班牙语的,歌手是中国人,一首俏皮的歌曲,一曲轻松地曲调,中国歌手唱西班牙语却唱的这么好,很难相信。
                魏如萱2003年出身于在独立乐界颇受好评的乐团“自然卷”,2006 年底离开,加盟代理国外独立厂牌音乐的第一把交椅--前卫花园唱片,成为前卫花园签约的第一位本地艺人,并于发行了《 La Dolce Vita 》、《泡泡 EP》专辑,出演《花吃了那女孩》中林铭一角。
                Canción: A todo color
                Artisa: Las escarlatinas
                Rojo como el cielo
                Rojo, rojo en la atardecer
                Rojo como un prohibido, rojo como mi jersey
                Rojo como el de tu boca que me hacen enrojecer
                Verde como es la hiedra que se pega en la pared
                Verde como la botella verde sobre mi mantel
                Verde como son tus ojos y más cuando dicen ven
                A todo color, cuando miro cuando pienso
                y del claro a oscuro es un paso, un momento
                A todo color, luces y sombras
                cuando ríes, cuando sueñas
                porque así son las cosas
                Azul como el cielo
                Azul es reflejo en un mar
                Azul como mi manta o tu sombra y pasa
                Azul es la tristeza que ella cocina pizza
                Amarillo me lloría mi sombre (......)
                Amarillo es tu abrazo que me llena de calor
                Amarillo cada mero,cada mero de limón

                14楼2012-08-26 20:19
                  breathe-taylor swift.乡村小天后的慢歌,taylor的歌我最喜欢这首,这首歌也有很多回忆的,记得我第一次鼓起勇气给英语老师说我要放歌,心中真的很紧张,楼主是个胆小的人,有些羞涩,第一首是本帖的第一首歌anyone of us,结果班上的同学都很喜欢。其后也拷了很多歌在英语老师的磁盘中,这首歌是英语老师放的最多的歌,超过六次吧。
                    泰勒·斯威夫特出生于美国宾夕法尼亚州的Wyomissing。父亲斯科特·斯威夫特是股票经纪人;而母亲安德莉亚·斯威夫特则是一名家庭主妇;斯威夫特有一个弟弟,奥斯汀。在斯威夫特四年级的时候,曾以一篇3页长的诗歌《我壁橱里的怪物》赢得了全国诗歌大赛。   十岁的时候,斯威夫特开始写歌并在卡拉OK大赛、节日以及家乡周围一带演唱。某个夏天,她专心的写了一篇350页的小说,该小说依旧没有出版。   她是当地一个受周六夜现场启发的儿童短喜剧团队TheatreKids Live的成员,在团队中她显示了与生俱来的喜剧天赋。Kirk Cremer的母亲在观看了她的卡拉OK表演后,建议斯威夫特致力于乡村音乐而不是戏剧表演。不久,Cremer 开始在当地一家商场租用空间并在周末进行卡拉OK伴奏下的表演。随着更大胆的表演和观众数目的增加,她开始在当地其他一些公开演唱和卡拉OK夜上表演。第一次较大的表演是在当地艺人Pat Garrett安排的Bloomsburg Fair上的一次受欢迎的表演。
                  I see your face in my mind as I drive away,
                  Cause none of us thought it was gonna end that way.
                  People are people,
                  And sometimes we change our minds.
                  But it’s killing me to see you go after all this time.
                  Mmm mmm mmm
                  Mmm mmm mmm mmm mmm
                  Music starts playin’ like the end of a sad movie,
                  It’s the kinda ending you don’t really wanna see.
                  Cause it’s tragedy and it’ll only bring you down,
                  Now I don’t know what to be without you around.
                  And we know it’s never simple,
                  Never easy.
                  Never a clean break, noone here to save me.
                  You’re the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
                  And I can’t,
                  Without you,
                  But I have to,
                  Without you,
                  But I have to.
                  Never wanted this, never wanna see you hurt.
                  Every little bump in the road I tried to swerve.
                  But people are people,
                  And sometimes it doesn’t work out,
                  Nothing we say is gonna save us from the fall out.
                  And we know it’s never simple,
                  Never easy.
                  Never a clean break, no one here to save me.
                  You’re the only thing I know like the back of my hand,
                  And I can’t,
                  Without you,
                  But I have to,
                  Without you,
                  But I have to.
                  It’s two a.m.
                  Feelin' like I just lost a friend.
                  Hope you know it’s not easy,
                  Easy for me.
                  It’s two a.m.
                  Feelin’ like I just lost a friend.
                  Hope you know this ain’t easy,
                  Easy for me.
                  And we know it’s never simple,
                  Never easy.
                  Never a clean break, noone here to save me.
                  I can’t,
                  Without you,
                  But I have to,
                  Without you,
                  But I have to.
                  Without you,
                  But I have to,
                  Sorry (oh) Sorry (mmm)
                  Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)
                  Sorry (eh eh) Sorry (mmm)

                  16楼2012-08-26 20:23
                    everytime-britney spears,说句实话,不是很喜欢布兰妮的吵闹的歌曲,不过这首很安静,有时候很吵闹,有时候却出奇的宁静,这首歌是布兰妮在家暴期间写的,心情也是相当的沉闷,好歌无需多言。

                    布兰妮·简·斯皮尔斯,美国流行天后。她于90年代末签约成为JIVE唱片公司旗下一名艺人。1999年,布兰妮发行的第一张专辑“Baby One More Time”(宝贝,再爱我一次)创下2500万张的专辑销售记录,令她一炮而红。在“全球娱乐界最富有女歌手”排行榜中,布兰妮名列第五,是前5名中最年轻,出道时间最短的。2011年12月,布兰妮和杰森·特拉维克举行了订婚仪式。
                    Everytime---- Britney Spears
                    Notice me
                    Take my hand
                    why are we
                    strangers when
                    our love is strong
                    why carry on without me?
                    Everytime I try to fly
                    I fall without my wings
                    I feel so small
                    I guess I need you baby
                    And everytime I see you in my dreams
                    I see your face,its haunting me
                    I guess I need you baby
                    I make believe
                    that you are here
                    It's the only way
                    I see clear
                    what have I done
                    you seem to move on easy
                    And everytime I try to fly
                    I fall without my wings
                    I feel so small
                    I guess I need you baby
                    And everytime I see you in my dreams
                    I see your face,you're haunting me
                    I guess I need you baby
                    I may have made it rain
                    please forgive me
                    my weakness caused you pain
                    and this song is my sorry
                    At night I pray
                    that soon your face
                    will fade away
                    And everytime I try to fly
                    I fall without my wings
                    I feel so small
                    I guess I need you baby
                    And everytime I see you in my dreams
                    I see your face,you're haunting me
                    I guess I need you baby

                    18楼2012-08-26 20:26
                      butterfly fly away-miley cyrus,乖乖女是大明星中的歌,也是清新的风格。说句实话,我也不知道为什么我会知道那么多,尽管都没看过,却都有所了解,也许,音乐的魅力是我所不能抵抗的,于是屈服吧。歌手的师妹是Demi Lovato ,是我非常喜欢的一个歌手,后面可能会推荐她师妹的歌曲。
                      麦莉·赛勒斯,因为迪士尼频道(disney channel)的电视剧《汉娜`蒙塔娜》(Hannah Montana)而一举成名。她在此剧中饰演一个住在美国加州来自田纳西名叫Miley的14岁女孩——麦莉·史都华(Miley Stewart),同时也是超级流行小天后Hannah Montana。
                      生平Miley Cyrus生于美国田纳西州(Tennessee)的富兰克林市(Franklin)。她出道前在Heritage中学上学。年幼时在家里的农场长大。Miley的父亲是著名的美国乡村歌手--Billy Ray Cyrus,他曾凭歌曲《Achy Breaky Heart(疼痛的破碎之心)》红极一时,现在也是知名电视剧《大都市小医生》的男主角。Miley Cyrus的教母是美国著名乡村歌手Dolly Parton。Miley现在和生父Billy,生母Tish、同父异母的哥哥 Trace、同父异母的姐姐Brandi、还有亲弟弟Braison、亲妹妹 Noah一起居住(麦莉还另有一个同母异父的哥哥Christopher Cyrus并不与他们生活在一起)。她的原名是命运·希望(Destiny Hope),她有另一个名字叫「麦莉」,原因是因为年幼时经常笑(Smiley)。所以她的爸爸就叫她麦莉(Miley)。
                      You tucked me in, turned out the light
                      Kept me safe and sound at night
                      Little girls depend on things like that
                      Brushed my teeth and combed my hair
                      Had to drive me everywhere
                      You were always there when I looked back
                      You had to do it all alone
                      Make a living, make a home
                      Must have been as hard as it could be
                      And when I couldn't sleep at night
                      Scared things wouldn't turn out right
                      You would hold my hand and sing to me
                      Caterpillar in the tree
                      How you wonder who you'll be
                      Can't go far but you can always dream
                      Wish you may and wish you might
                      Don't you worry, hold on tight
                      I promise you there will come a day
                      Butterfly fly away
                      Caterpillar in the tree
                      How you wonder who you'll be
                      Can't go far but you can always dream
                      Wish you may and wish you might
                      Don't you worry, hold on tight
                      I promise you there will come a day
                      Butterfly fly away
                      Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
                      Flap your wing now you can't stay
                      Take those dreams and make them all come true
                      Butterfly fly away, butterfly fly away
                      We've been waiting for this day
                      All along and knowing just what to do
                      Butterfly, butterfly, butterfly, butterfly fly away
                      Butterfly fly away
                      Butterfly fly away

                      19楼2012-08-26 20:28
                        proud of you-冯曦妤,挥着翅膀的女孩的英文版,但要比中文版的好听。听听看吧。

                        冯曦妤,(Fiona Fung )是一名香港歌手兼作词人,以歌声清脆而著名。1999年,16岁的冯曦妤加入陈光荣的音乐室,开始参与电影的配乐以及和音演唱的幕后工作。 2007年,她决定由幕后转移至幕前,并于2008年加盟SONY BMG进军乐坛,以冯曦妤作为艺名。比较出名的作品有《再见**》,《我在那一角落患过伤风》等。
                        Love in your eyes
                        Sitting silent by my side
                        Going on
                        Holding hand
                        Walking through the nights
                        Hold me up
                        Hold me tight
                        Lift me up to touch the sky
                        Teaching me to love with heart
                        Helping me open my mind
                        I can fly
                        I’m proud that I can fly
                        To give the best of mine
                        Till the end of the time
                        Believe me I can fly
                        I’m proud that I can fly
                        To give the best of mine
                        The heaven in the sky
                        Fiona Fung-Proud of You

                        20楼2012-08-26 20:29

                          21楼2012-08-26 20:33

                            23楼2012-08-26 20:35

                              girl in the mirror-布兰妮,也是一首不吵的歌,曾伴我度过无数不眠的夜晚。
                              There's a girl in the mirror
                              I wonder who she is
                              Sometimes I think I know her
                              Sometimes I really wish I did
                              There's a story in her eyes
                              Lullabies and goodbyes
                              When she's looking back at me
                              I can tell her heart is broken easily
                              Cause the girl in my mirror
                              Is crying tonight
                              And there's nothing I can tell her
                              To make her feel alright
                              Oh the girl in my mirror
                              Is crying cause of you
                              And I wish there was something
                              Something I could do
                              If I could
                              I would tell her
                              Not to be afraid
                              The pain that she's feeling
                              The sense of loneliness will fade
                              So dry your tears and rest assured
                              Love will find you like before
                              When she's looking back at me
                              I know nothing really works that easily
                              Cause the girl in my mirror
                              Is crying tonight
                              And there's nothing I can tell her
                              To make her feel all right
                              Oh the girl in my mirror
                              Is crying cause of you
                              And I wish there was something
                              I wish there was something
                              Oh I wish there was something
                              I could do
                              I can't believe it's what I see
                              That the girl in my mirror
                              The girl in the mirror
                              Is me
                              I can't believe what I see
                              oh The girl in my mirror
                              The girl in my mirror is me
                              Ohh...is me
                              Cause the girl in my mirror
                              Is crying tonight
                              And there's nothing I can tell her
                              To make her feel alright
                              Oh the girl in my mirror
                              Is crying 'cause of you
                              and I wish there was something
                              I wish there was something
                              Oh I wish there was something
                              I could do

                              26楼2012-08-26 21:03