【Swear in English 】1.What did you say?你说什么? 2. You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病! 3. You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。 4. Drop dead.去死吧!5.Don't give me your shit.别跟我胡扯。
【表达同情】1、I'm sorry to hear about it.听到这件事我很难过。2、Don't take it too much to heart.别把这件事太往心里去。3、It could have happened to anybody.任何人都可能遇到这种事情。4、It's no use crying over spilt milk.为无可挽回的事后悔是毫无意义的。
【含糊其辞的回答】①Not exactly 不完全;②I guess so 可能是吧;③I'm not sure 我不太清楚;④Sortof 有那么点儿;⑤It's something like that 差不多吧;⑦There's no guarantee 不能保证;⑧I can't say 我说不好⑨Half and half 一半一半;⑩It's difficult to say 怎么说呢
【英文短信简写】1.sit: stay in touch 2.soz: sorry 3.spk: speak 4.stfu: shut the flip up 5.sum1: omeone 6.tmb: text me back 7.w/: with 8.w/o: without 9.w8: wait 10.w84m: wait for me 11.w8n: waiting 12.wan2: want to 13.wan2tlk: want to talk? 14.wknd: weekend
【英文短信简写】b/c—because;b4—before;b'day—birthday;b4n(or bfn)—bye for now(再见);bbl—be back later(稍后回来);brb—be right back(很快回来);brt—be right there(马上到);btw—by the way(顺便提一下);bcnu—be seeing you(回头见)。
【英文短信简写】 AFAIK: as far as I know;agreemt: agreement ;AKA: also known as;ASAP: as soon as possible;ATB: all the best;AYOR: at your own risk;CMI: call me;COZ: because;CTR: center ;CU@: see you around;CUBL8R: call you back later
【爱词吧】英文短信简写:brb—be right back(很快回来);brt—be right there(马上到);btw—by the way(顺便提一下);bcnu—be seeing you(回头见)。 阿斯顿英语,源于美国,专为中国孩子研创。400-009-1818 www.astonschool.com 暑假班 正在热招中…
#英文短信简写# k: okay;kit: keep in touch;kwim: know what i mean;m8: mate;msg: message;mth: month myob: mind your own business;ne: any;ne1: anyone ; nethng: anything;np: no problem ;nvm: never mind ;oic: oh, i see ;planned: pl& ;po$bl: possible;shopping: shopn
【英文短信简写】1.d / de / da: the 2.don:doing 3.DYLM: do you like me4.EZ: easy 5.F2F: face to face 6.F2T: free to talk 7.LOL: laughing out loud 8.FYI: for your information 9.GRT: great 10.1ce: once 11.2: to 12.2day: today
1.wru: where are you? 2.wu: what's up? 3.wud?: what you doing 4.wygowm: will you go out with me 5.x: kiss ()6.xlnt: excellent 7.xoxo: hugs and kisses ( & ) 8.y: why 9.yr: your 10.yyssw: yeah yeah sure sure whatever(应诺,有敷衍的意味)