孤寂幽幽吧 关注:29贴子:1,543




1楼2012-10-07 20:52回复
    【五险一金雅思英语】1. endowment insurance(养老保险);2. medical insurance(医疗保险)3. unemployment insurance(失业保险)4. work-related injury insurance(工伤保险);5. childbirth insurance(生育保险)6. housing accumulation funds(住房公积金)

    2楼2012-10-07 20:52
      【Swear in English 】1.What did you say?你说什么? 2. You are out of your mind.你脑子有毛病! 3. You make me so mad.你气死我了啦。 4. Drop dead.去死吧!5.Don't give me your shit.别跟我胡扯。

      3楼2012-10-07 20:53
        【表达同情】1、I'm sorry to hear about it.听到这件事我很难过。2、Don't take it too much to heart.别把这件事太往心里去。3、It could have happened to anybody.任何人都可能遇到这种事情。4、It's no use crying over spilt milk.为无可挽回的事后悔是毫无意义的。

        4楼2012-10-07 20:54
          【各种蛋的口语表达】笨蛋 dummy/idiot;蠢蛋 dumb-ass/stupid-ass;混蛋ass/asshole;坏蛋 bad egg;滚蛋 scram/ go away/ piss off/ fxck off;完蛋 screwed/ ****ed up;软蛋 jelly fish/weakling/coward/wussy捣蛋 make trouble 王八蛋 jerk/jackass;穷光蛋 pauper/broke man

          5楼2012-10-07 20:54
            【含糊其辞的回答】①Not exactly 不完全;②I guess so 可能是吧;③I'm not sure 我不太清楚;④Sortof 有那么点儿;⑤It's something like that 差不多吧;⑦There's no guarantee 不能保证;⑧I can't say 我说不好⑨Half and half 一半一半;⑩It's difficult to say 怎么说呢

            6楼2012-10-07 20:55
              【各种人际关系】buddy哥们儿;colleague同事/同僚;confidante闺蜜/红颜知己;intimate至交mentor导师/指导者;sworn brother结拜兄弟;superior/boss上司/老板;partner搭档couple情侣companion同伴;pen pal笔友;comrade-in-arms战友fellow-apprentice师兄弟

              7楼2012-10-07 20:55
                【英文短信简写】1.sit: stay in touch 2.soz: sorry 3.spk: speak 4.stfu: shut the flip up 5.sum1: omeone 6.tmb: text me back 7.w/: with 8.w/o: without 9.w8: wait 10.w84m: wait for me 11.w8n: waiting 12.wan2: want to 13.wan2tlk: want to talk? 14.wknd: weekend

                8楼2012-10-07 20:56
                  【英文短信简写】b/c—because;b4—before;b'day—birthday;b4n(or bfn)—bye for now(再见);bbl—be back later(稍后回来);brb—be right back(很快回来);brt—be right there(马上到);btw—by the way(顺便提一下);bcnu—be seeing you(回头见)。

                  9楼2012-10-07 20:56
                    【英文短信简写】 AFAIK: as far as I know;agreemt: agreement ;AKA: also known as;ASAP: as soon as possible;ATB: all the best;AYOR: at your own risk;CMI: call me;COZ: because;CTR: center ;CU@: see you around;CUBL8R: call you back later

                    10楼2012-10-07 20:57
                      【爱词吧】英文短信简写:brb—be right back(很快回来);brt—be right there(马上到);btw—by the way(顺便提一下);bcnu—be seeing you(回头见)。 阿斯顿英语,源于美国,专为中国孩子研创。400-009-1818 www.astonschool.com 暑假班 正在热招中…

                      11楼2012-10-07 20:57
                        #英文短信简写# k: okay;kit: keep in touch;kwim: know what i mean;m8: mate;msg: message;mth: month myob: mind your own business;ne: any;ne1: anyone ; nethng: anything;np: no problem ;nvm: never mind ;oic: oh, i see ;planned: pl& ;po$bl: possible;shopping: shopn

                        12楼2012-10-07 20:58
                          给那些看不懂英文短信的同志们:U2 不是你2,而是you too. gotta是知道的意思。si U 是see you. 4 是for的简写。

                          13楼2012-10-07 20:58
                            【英文短信简写】1.d / de / da: the 2.don:doing 3.DYLM: do you like me4.EZ: easy 5.F2F: face to face 6.F2T: free to talk 7.LOL: laughing out loud 8.FYI: for your information 9.GRT: great 10.1ce: once 11.2: to 12.2day: today

                            14楼2012-10-07 20:58
                              1.wru: where are you? 2.wu: what's up? 3.wud?: what you doing 4.wygowm: will you go out with me 5.x: kiss ()6.xlnt: excellent 7.xoxo: hugs and kisses ( & ) 8.y: why 9.yr: your 10.yyssw: yeah yeah sure sure whatever(应诺,有敷衍的意味)

                              15楼2012-10-07 20:59