tiempoland吧 关注:2贴子:16
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IP属地:广东1楼2012-10-10 22:41回复
    While my guitar gently weeps - Beatles

    IP属地:广东3楼2012-10-29 02:25

      Paddling out-Milke Snow
      Death to my hometown-Bruce Spingstten
      Flourish-Haven Tar
      Little Dragon-Blinking Pigs
      The streets-Blinded By The Lights

      The Cribs/Mumford&Sons/The Smiths/Nirvana
      The Rolling Stones/Pink Floyd/Muse/Fleet Foxes

      Abbey Road-Beatles

      Let's move back to front-Zulu Winter
      The preacher-Jamien Commons
      Two islands-Outfit
      Born to die-Lana Del Rey
      Brostal Breakout-Sham 69
      Noel Gallagger-Everybody's on the run
      Dry The River:Lion's Den/New Ceremony/No rest/History book/Bible belt

      IP属地:广东5楼2012-11-27 03:12
        Miles Kane:《Color of the trap》
        Boxer:《The National》
        The Clash-《London Calling》
        King Crimson-《In the court of the Crimson King》

        IP属地:广东6楼2012-11-27 03:13
          Blur:《Watch them play》
          Badhead/He thought of cars/Best days/Strange news from another star/
          You're so great/Caramel/Essex Digs/Sing/Out of time/Yuko and Hiro/
          Beatles:《Northern songs》
          Rain/No reply/Getting better/Savoy truffle/There's a place/
          Things we said today/Lovely Rita/Sexy Sadie/
          If I needes someone/It's all to much/
          Radiohead:《Wheredo we go from here?》
          Exit Music(For a film)/Anyone can play guitar/Maquiladora/
          Pearly/Idioteque/Myxomatosis/Packt like sardines in a crushd tin box/
          Sulk/Weird fishes/Arpeggi/Give up the ghost/

          IP属地:广东7楼2012-11-27 03:14
            U2:《Mount temple》
            Gloria/In god's country/Lemon/Miss Sarajevo/
            The unforgettable fire/Angle of harlem/One/
            Luminous times(Hold on to love)/Until the end of the world/White as snow/
            Bruce Springsteen:《Stars,Cars,Guitars》
            Candy's room/57 Channel(And Nothin'on)/State TrooperTwo hearts/
            Meeting across the river/Girls in the summer clothes/Stolen car/
            Incident on 57th street/Growin'up/Born in the U.S.A/
            Oasis:《Where did it all go right?》
            Flashbax/Half the world away/Going nowhere/Rockin'Chair/
            Where did it all go wrong/Songbird/She is love/
            Hung in a bad place/Mucky fingers/I'm outta time

            IP属地:广东8楼2012-11-27 03:15