umbrellacorporation吧 关注:50贴子:3,801

IP属地:中国香港通过百度相册上传1楼2012-11-27 09:13回复
    Today is 27/11/2012, it is the first day to work in UmbrellaCorporation, what an exciting moment. Hope that I could find interesting things here.

    IP属地:中国香港2楼2012-11-27 09:15
      Today is 28/11/2012,I suddenly found that half of the members in here ae my friends. Is this a coincidence, or a deliberate......

      IP属地:中国香港4楼2012-11-28 09:57
        Today is 29/11/2012, I browse the website of the company and creat my own ID card. As Researcher No.22 said, it is a very important step. Without the ID card, I cannot access my rights. (But isn't it so late for telling me this...)

        IP属地:中国香港6楼2012-11-29 08:56
          Today is 30/11/2012, I am working in my first project, which is a research about T-virus. I wanna to find out the similarities between it and BlackLight. It seem that we have a good start......

          IP属地:中国香港7楼2012-11-30 12:26
            Today is 1/12/2012, the first day of December. I am still working in my project. I find out that the purpose of two Virus has slightly different, but both of them caused serious influences to the world. There have lots of things to do......

            IP属地:中国香港9楼2012-12-01 10:07
              Today is 2/12/2012, there have lots of works waiting for me. I do not have much time yet. It is wonderful to analysis the prototype of T virus, how amazing it is!

              IP属地:中国香港10楼2012-12-02 11:39
                Today is 3/12/2012, I am waiting for the result, my computer is running like a horse now. All the pre-works have been finished………and I suddenly become very free.

                IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端11楼2012-12-03 13:41
                  Today is 4/12/2012, I feel very happy and excited. After a few more hours, the analysis result will be completed. It is no longer a dream, I can find the sercet of T-vius in my own hand......

                  IP属地:中国香港13楼2012-12-04 10:11
                    Today is 5/12/2012, accident happened! The Manager said that the virus had out of control, it become a un-stopable. I have no time to waste now, I have to go……

                    IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端15楼2012-12-05 15:12
                      Today is 6/12/2012, I use the break time to write this diary. After a long time of emergency control, the information has been covered. I have to go to the meeting with those bosses, to explain the situation now.......Just give me a break please!

                      IP属地:中国香港16楼2012-12-06 09:14
                        Today is 7/12/2012, I just finished my report. And my job is done, next will be the discussion period of the bosses. It seems that it will last for a long time, long enough to let me have a good rest....

                        IP属地:中国香港17楼2012-12-07 11:11
                          Today is 8/12/2012, I just get the holiday from the company....... Actually, I haven't think of how to use it. Maybe having a rest at home, or playing games, or contiune in my "secert". No matter what, it's time to have fun!

                          IP属地:中国香港18楼2012-12-08 10:10
                            Today is 9/12/2012, I am having my holiday right now.It is perfect, although an incident happened, things go smoothly here. FUN, FUN, FUN!

                            IP属地:中国香港来自Android客户端19楼2012-12-09 10:19
                              Today is 10/12/2012, the last day of my holiday.Although having a rest is good, back to work is not bad at all. I have some interesting ideas when I am playing at home.It could be a funny try at my experiment.

                              IP属地:中国香港20楼2012-12-10 09:33