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1楼2012-12-05 07:54回复


    The reason why I love saber, to make it shortly, is that Saber is a complete being. She has the power and the guts of a lion, and the looking and the elegance of an angel. She is both beauty and beast. She has a powerful soul, self-complete and self-sustaining. She gives, but seldom takes. She forgives, even the most unforgiveable. She bears all, and never complains. She endures all, and never let others know. She is so cold and tough outside, but so warm and tender inside.

    据说Saber的原型是男亚瑟王,是蘑菇中学时代意淫的产物。蘑菇长大后,以他的学生时代的幻想为基础,创作了名为Fate Stay Night的游戏。但是他做了一些改动,把Saber变为15岁的女孩,而且永远不老,以迎合游戏的主要玩家,那些男生们。

    It was said that the prototype of Saber was male King Arthur, out of a fantasy by the author in his middle school days. When the author grown up later on and wrote the script for Fate Stay Night, the galgame, based on his boyhood fantasy, he makes some changes to turn Saber into a fifteen-year old girl who never age in order to cater for targeted game players who would be mostly young boys.

    3楼2012-12-05 07:55


      What appears to be just an inadvertent change of gender for convenience was proved later to be a touch of magic. By putting a young girl in the position of King Arthur, a saga much more fascinating than the original Arthurian legend is implied. As a girl, Saber must double her efforts as comparing to her male counterpart. Before she becomes a king, she must first become a man. She needs to make up the huge physiological and psychological gap between a young girl and a male king. What is more, Saber must endure the perpetual loneliness as she will never be able to find a lifetime soul mate. Though she may marry a queen, such a marriage is destined to be a tragic one, since no girl, after realizing the truth, will really accept such a king as her husband from heart. Finally, Saber must accept the painful truth that she will never grow up, and have to live an eternal life and bear her responsibility forever.


      If Saber finally made her way through all the tests tailor-made for her, plus what was originally there for King Arthur, she is already a superhero dwarfing her male counterpart. But, as if all she had were not enough, the author made her to accept a new challenge before she die, that is, to win the war of Holy Grail.

      4楼2012-12-05 07:55


        This was the time when Fate Zero, the animation, begins. A lot of boys do not like the Saber in Fate Zero, because her personality there is more of a boy than a girl. On the contrary, girls love this masculine version of Saber, and some of them even imagined themselves to be Irisviel who Saber took oath to protect.


        I love this version of Saber as well. But, instead of Irisviel, I imagined myself to be Saber, seeing through her eyes and feeling through her heart. In this way, I felt all the pains she had, and I became so sympathetic for her.

        5楼2012-12-05 07:56


          Despites the shinning and blazing pictures, Fate zero is on a dark tone. Almost all characters have their own tragedies, of which the greatest one is Saber’s. She was disliked and alienated, for her adherence to chivalric codes, by her own master who did not even want to speak to her. She was derided and mocked by the other two Kings for her altruistic way of ruling her country. She was hated by the rival she respected, for the dirty trick played by her master, even it was not her fault. The one she took oath to protect was finally abducted by her enemies, meaning that she broke her oath and tarnished her glory as a knight. And then, the worst of all, she accidentally killed Lancelot, the knight who she liked the most, even though he betrayed her, deformed and disguised as Berserker out of shames. At the end, she was forced by her master to break the Holy Grail which she had been so craving for. She returned to Camlann, her last battle ground, staring at the dead bodies, weeping and crying, repenting the disaster she had brought to her country and people.

          6楼2012-12-05 07:56


            Then she came back again in Fate Stay Night. I happened to watch this animation after Fate Zero. Saber made her first appearance before Shiro, gazed upon him calmly in the moonlight. She seemed to be extremely beautiful in that moment, which made Shiro completely fall in love with her.


            This was also the moment when I fall in love with Saber, but due to a different reason. While all Shiro saw was her beauty, I saw a noble soul inside. How could a girl, just came through all those sufferings, returned with such a pair of poised and calm eyes? How could a heart, broken into pieces just a few moments ago, managed to pull them together, as if it had never happened? What she had just been through was hell, but she came back fresh and untainted, standing there, with an expression so tranquil and serene that only belongs to a saint. Through this way, Saber disdained her fate as if it was only a bad joke. Like Oedipus, Saber spoke loudly and proudly through her eyes and expressions, “despite so many ordeals, the nobility of my soul make me conclude that all is well." Yes, for Saber, all is well. This was a moment of glory, a moment of dignity, a moment to be remembered for ever. I made this scene my icon.

            7楼2012-12-05 07:57


              The ending followed by the animation is the only ending for the route Fate in the game. Saber broke the Holy Grail, made farewell to Shiro, returned to her time, and asked Bedivere to throw her sword into the lake, and finally she died in peace. Her last words were: “This time, I am going to sleep for a little bit longer”.


              Up till now I had never shed a drop of tear. But at the last scene I lost my control and burst into tears. I felt so sad. I was so pity for Saber. It seemed to me so unfair for her to end her life in this manner. She deserved something better. Her life was a total odyssey and full of sufferings. But even Odyssey had a happy ending, why Saber’s reward, after all she had been through, was death? I anticipated healing, but instead I got a new scar.

              9楼2012-12-05 07:58


                Since then, I watched Fate Stay Night many times, each time as moving and touching as the first time. After watching the last scene again and again, I suddenly had a new feeling about it. It is not a moment for tears, but a moment for joy.


                Saber’s life is like a work of art. The beauty of any work of art, be it music or paintings, is not judged by their length or size, but the way they present themselves. Saber lived her life in such a perfect way, that she would be happy to end her life there and then, just as an artist will be happy to finish his painting with the last stroke and begin enjoy the whole piece of work. In this sense, death is the final reward to Saber. A life without an ending, as what Archer is living, is a terrible curse. If Saber really takes Archer’s path, we shall then cry for her.

                10楼2012-12-05 07:58

                  262楼2013-06-17 07:51