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如果去了哥大还不能找到好工作 绝对是自己的智商情商各种问题 那就把自己卖了吧
"The extremely high caliber and great diversity of the students helps to keep our IEOR graduate programs consistently at the highest level of quality. And our New York City location is unmatched for employment opportunities."
–Dr. W. Whitt, IEOR faculty
Doors open for IEOR graduates. They are problem solvers pioneering innovation. The rigorous standards of the programs are well known to U.S. and international businesses, many of which have their corporate headquarters in New York City. Graduates of the programs have been successfully placed in prominent positions (e.g., analysts, associates, consultants, strategists, vice presidents, etc.) in prestigious organizations across sectors (e.g., financial services, consulting, manufacturing, technology, government, non-for-profit, and academia).
Furthermore, many IEOR students have part-time internships with major banks, hedge funds, consulting firms, insurance companies and other organizations while pursuing their studies. The IEOR Career Team has partnered with a number of organizations to establish internship programs exposing students to industry.
We encourage prospective and current students to click here to learn more about IEOR recruiting and career services.
Prospective employers, for more information about recruiting our students.

1楼2013-02-28 14:37回复
    M.S. in Industrial Engineering
    The Master of Science in Industrial Engineering program (30 points) is intended to enable students with engineering undergraduate degrees to enhance their training in special fields including production planning, inventory control, scheduling, and industrial economics.
    MSIE degree candidates are required to satisfy a core program of graduate courses:
    SIEO W4150: Introduction to Probability and Statistics
    IEOR E4000: Production Management
    IEOR E4004: Intro to OR: Deterministic Models
    IEOR E4106: Intro to OR: Stochastic Models
    All students must take at least 18 points of graduate work in the IEOR Department (denoted by courses with the IEOR designation) and at least 30 points of graduate studies at Columbia.
    The Department requires that students in the Program achieve grades of B- or higher in each of the fundamental core courses (IEOR E4004 and IEOR E4106).
    Poor performance in these courses is indicative of inadequate preparation and is very likely to lead to serious problems in completing the Program. In addition, students must maintain a cumulative GPA equivalent to a B- during every term enrolled. Students failing to meet these criteria may be asked to withdraw from his/her Program.
    MSIE students may choose concentrations in the following areas:
    Systems Engineering
    The Systems Engineering concentration is for students who have an undergraduate engineering degree and are interested in taking a holistic view of engineering and focusing on how complex engineering projects should be designed and managed.
    Departmental Courses in Systems Engineering (requires at least two courses from this list)
    IEOR E4000: Production Management
    IEOR E4001: Design & Management of Production & Service Systems
    IEOR E4003: Industrial Economics
    IEOR E4404: Simulation
    IEOR E4405: Production Scheduling
    IEOR E4412: Quality Control & Management
    IEOR E4520: Applied Systems Engineering
    IEOR E4521: Systems Engineering: Tools & Methods
    OPMN B8815: Supply Chain Management
    Infrastructure & Substainability Electives (requires at least two courses from this list)
    CIEN E4111: Uncertainity & Risk in Infrastructure Systems
    CIEN E4129: Managing Engineering and Constuction Processes
    CIEN E4130: Design of Construction Systems
    CIEN E4137: Managing Civil Infrastructure Systems
    EAEE E4150: Air Pollution Prevention & Control
    EAEE E4160: Solid & Hazardous Waste Management
    EAEE E4190: Photovoltaic Systems Engineering & Substainability
    EAEE E6212: Carbon Sequestrations
    EAEE E4100: Management of Development of Water Systems
    EAEE E4200: Alternative Energy Resources
    ENME E4202: Advanced Mechanics
    CIEE E4252: Environmental Engineering
    Mechanical Electrical & Computer Systems Electives (requires at least one course from this list)
    COMS S4111: Database Systems
    COMS W4118: Operating Systems
    COMS W4119: Computer Networks
    ELEN E4702: Digital Communications
    ELEN E4810: Digital Signal Processing

    2楼2013-02-28 14:46
      ELEN E4815: Random Signals and Noise
      IEME E4310: The Manufacturing Enterprise
      MECE E4431: Space Vehicle Dynamics & Control
      MECE E4601: Digital Control Systems
      MECE E4602: Introduction to Robotics
      MECE E4604: Product Design for Manufacturability
      Biological Systems Electives (requires at least one course from this list)
      BMCH E4810: Artificial Organs
      BMEN E4001: Quantitative Physiology I: Cells & Molecules
      BMEN E4300: Solid Biomechanics
      BMEN E4750: Sound & Hearing
      CBMF W4761: Computational Genomics
      CHEN E4750: The Genome and the Cell
      CHEN E4800: Protein Engineering
      Regulated Industries
      The Regulated Industries concentration is for students who have an undergraduate engineering degree and are interested in industrial engineering problems in regulated industries. Different professional interests will dictate different choices. Students interested in this concentration should discuss their elective choices with their adviser.
      Departmental Courses in Regulated Industries
      IEOR E4307: Industrial Forecasting
      IEOR E4308: Industrial Budget and Financial Control
      IEME E4310: The Manufacturing Enterprises
      IEOR E4403: Advanced Engineering and Corporate Economics
      IEOR E4404: Simulation
      IEOR E4705: Studies in Operations Research
      Law School Electives (requires cross registration and approval)
      Law L6110: Foundations of the Regulatory State
      Law L6204: Administrative Law
      Law L6283: Regulation of the Electronic Mass Media
      Law L6293: Antitrust and Trade Regulation
      Law L6387: Regulation of Financial Intermediaries
      Other Engineering Electives
      BMEN E4010: Ethics for Biomedical Engineers
      CIEE E4252: Environmental Engineering
      CIEN E4010: Transportation Engineering
      CIEN E4111: Uncertainty and Risk in Infrastructure Systems
      CIEN E4129: Managing Engineering and Construction Processes
      CIEN E4132: Prevention and Resolution of Construction Disputes
      CIEN E4133: Capital Facility Planning and Financing
      CIEN E4134: Construction Industry Law
      EAEE E4200: Production of Inorganic Materials

      3楼2013-02-28 14:46
        At least one of:
        IEOR E4510: Project Management
        IEOR E4611: Decision Models
        and Applications
        IEOR E4408: Resource Allocation: Models, Algorithms, and Applications
        IEOR E4520: Applied Systems Engineering Business Creation for Engineers
        IEOR E4550: Entrepreneurial
        Business Creation for
        IEOR E4998: Managing Technological Innovation
        and Entrepreneurship
        IEOR E4705: Studies in Operations Research
        At least two of:
        OPMN B9835: Computing for Business Research
        OPMN B8862: Demand & Supply Analytics
        IEOR E4307: Applied Statistical Models in Operations Research
        IEOR E4000: Production and Operations Management
        IEOR E4726: Experimental Finance
        IEOR E4500: Applications Programming for Financial Engineering
        IEOR E4722: Topics in Quantitative Finance
        For students interested in the Concentration in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, the Department recommends taking:Technical Courses Management Courses
        At least three of:
        DRAN B8839: Demand and Supply Analytics
        IEOR E4000: Production and Operations Management
        IEOR E4403: Advanced Engineering & Corporate Economics
        IEOR E4405: Production Scheduling
        IEOR E4418: Logistics and Transportation Management
        IEOR E4507: Healthcare Operations Management
        IEOR E4600: Applied Integer Programming
        IEOR E4601: Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management
        IEOR E4602: Quantitative Risk Management
        IEOR E4615: Service Engineering
        OPMN B8815: Supply Chain Management At least two of:
        IEME E4510: The Manufacturing Enterprise
        IEOR E4408: Resource Allocation: Models, Algorithms & Applications
        IEOR E4510: Project Management
        IEOR E4520: Applied Systems Engineering
        IEOR E4550: Entrepreneurial Business Creation for Engineers
        IEOR E4611: Decision Models and Applications
        IEOR E4705: Studies in Operations Research
        IEOR E4998: Managing Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship
        For students interested in the Concentration in Optimization, the Department recommends taking at least three of the following elective courses:
        IEOR E4000: Production and Operations Management
        IEOR E4405: Production Scheduling
        IEOR E4408: Resource Allocations: Models, Algorithms & Applications
        IEOR E4405: Operations Research in Public Policy
        IEOR E4507: Healthcare Operations Management
        IEOR E4510: Project Management
        IEOR E4520: Applied Systems Engineering
        IEOR E4600: Applied Integer Programming
        IEOR E4611: Decision Models and Applications
        IEOR E4615: Service Engineering
        IEOR E4630: Asset Allocation
        OPMN B8815: Supply Chain Management
        For students interested in the Concentration in Applied Probability, the Department recommends taking at least three of the following elective courses:
        DRAN B8839: Demand and Supply Analytics
        IEOR E4000: Production and Operations Management
        IEOR E4407: Game Theoretic Models of Operation
        IEOR E4601: Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management
        IEOR E4602: Quantitative Risk Management
        IEOR E4700: Intro to Financial Engineering
        OPMN B8815: Supply Chain Management

        5楼2013-02-28 14:49

          The MS Programs in Industrial Engineering (MSIE) and Operations Research (MSOR) at Columbia University educate students to specialize in problem solving, decision making, risk management, production planning, optimization, stochastic modeling and simulation.
          Generally, MSIE graduates obtain positions in manufacturing, engineering, operations, public utilities and services in global organizations and governments. The flexible MSOR program produces graduates who obtain positions in financial services, professional services, utilities, technology, manufacturing, and public and government sectors. Certainly, our graduates find positions in other industries as well given the flexible problem-solving skill set they possess.
          Columbia University is dedicated to assisting students in professional development, providing resources that include not only education but also resume and cover letter writing, developing professional appeal and interview/networking skills.
          Graduates of the MS Programs have obtained various full time positions, internships and academic appointments. Examples of positions obtained by graduates are found below.Organizations
          A.T. Kearney
          AIG Investment
          Air Liquide
          ALTRAN CIS
          AXA Equitable
          Bank of America
          Bloomberg LP
          Carnegie Mellon
          CCG Investor Relations
          CHAMPS Foundation
          Christofferson Robb & Co.
          CM International
          Columbia Business School
          Credit Suisse
          Defence Science and Technology Agency
          Department of Defense
          DeRosa Research and Trading
          Economic Board of Singapore
          EDB Singapore
          First NTT, LLC
          First Properties, NY
          Fordham University, School of Law
          Further Lane Securities
          Global EProcure
          Goldman Sachs
          Hermes Capital Advisors
          JP Morgan
          Krung Thai Bank PCL
          Lemoine Trading
          Medtronic Inc.
          New York Global Group
          Novo Nordisk
          Pennsylvania State University
          PICTIS Group
          Pluris Valuation Advisors LLC
          Premium Technology
          Provident Group
          RBS Securities Inc.
          Rodman & Renshaw, LLC
          Sabre Holding
          Sikorsky Aircraft
          Singapore Armed Forces
          Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd.
          Societe Generale
          The Marketing Advantage
          Tory Burch LLC
          U.S. Fund for UNICEF
          White Mountains RE Services
          ZS AssociatesPositions
          Airline Solutions, Operations Research Analyst
          Analytics, Analyst
          Asset Management Analyst
          Associate Consultant
          Business Analyst
          Credit Risk & Policy Analyst
          Credit Derivatives Structuring Intern
          Derivatives Analyst
          Doctor of Philosophy, Student
          Energy Smart Technology Intern
          Equities Analyst
          Enterprise Information Technology Engineer
          Finance Analyst
          Financial Advisory Services, Associate
          Fixed Income Sales & Research Associate
          Global Markets Investment Banking Analyst
          Information Technology intern
          Investment Banking Analyst
          Investment Banking Intern
          Investment Banking, Information Technology Analyst
          Investment Banking, Technical Analyst
          Junior Associate
          Logistics Project Manager
          Logistics Engineer
          Marketing Intelligence Associate
          Mechanical & Industrial Gas Intern
          Mergers & Acquisitions Analyst
          Operations Research Associate
          Portfolio Analytics, Analyst
          Pricing Analyst
          Professional Services Senior Officer
          Quantitative Risk, Assistant Vice President
          Real Estate Agent
          Research & Development, Financial Software Developer
          Research Associate
          Risk Management Associate
          Risk Management Analyst
          Sales Assistant
          Senior Modeling Analyst
          Senior Software Engineer
          Syndicate Associate
          Systems Integration Consultant
          Trading SupportLocations
          A majority of our students are placed in the New York area. However, graduates have been placed all over the world, including Bangkok, Copenhagen, Hong Kong, Istanbul, Paris, Seoul, Shanghai, Singapore, Tokyo, and various locations in the United States (e.g. Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Stamford,).

          6楼2013-02-28 15:03
            据说哥大穷的令人发指呀 近两年===那算了
            要是木有带奖的PHD offer 那可以考虑去读个MS? 可是纽约真的好贵

            7楼2013-02-28 15:09
              深深的觉得 去哥大还有伯克利的话 找工作肯定是木有问题的咯 IEOR的就业率还是很彪悍的

              8楼2013-02-28 15:10
                9楼2013-02-28 15:14
                  最优化方法 ——MATLAB应用 人民邮电出版社 黄 陶

                  10楼2013-02-28 15:26
                    Almost every kind of business hires industrial engineers and they work in
                    many different kinds of jobs. These are some of the jobs that IIE members are
                    Anheuser-Busch Inc., Manager of Distribution and Logistics
                    Bose Corp., Industrial Engineer
                    Coca-Cola Consolidated Inc., Business Process Design Manager
                    City of Fort Worth, Management Analyst
                    City of Kansas City, City Auditor
                    Deere & Co., Quality Manager
                    Dell, Inc., Project Senior Consultant
                    Estee Lauder Inc., Director of Industrial Engineering
                    Federal Aviation Administration, Industrial Engineer
                    Hasbro, Business Improvement Manager
                    Hershey Foods Corp., Director of Manufacturing
                    Honda of America Manufacturing, Process Engineer
                    Johnson & Johnson, Worldwide Manager of Ergonomics
                    Kraft Food, Distribution Design Project Engineer
                    Lockheed Martin Missiles & Fire Control, Cost Estimator
                    Mayo Clinic, Director of Patient Financial Services
                    McDonald’s, Real Estate Manager
                    Microsoft, User Experience Manager
                    Motorola, Vice President of Supply Chain
                    NASA Kennedy Space Center, Spaceport Technology Development Manager
                    Naval Surface Warfare Center, Human Systems Integration Engineer
                    Nike Inc., Senior Engineer
                    Northeastern University, Dean of Engineering
                    Payless Shoe Source, Manager of Corporate Quality Assurance
                    Sony Disc Manufacturing, Industrial Engineer
                    Target Corp., Senior Recruiter
                    Texas A&M University, Research Engineer
                    Toys R Us, Industrial Engineer
                    Wal-Mart, General Manager
                    Walt Disney World, Director of Costuming & Cosmetology

                    11楼2013-02-28 15:37
                        另外的几封来自跟你最熟悉的教授,最好是你的research/project supervisor对你有充分了解,像那些什么”He/She got
                      good grade in my class”这样的话,完全忽略,因为你的成绩单可以反映一切,比较有作用的话是这样的“He/She always asked
                      questions during my lecture and discussed with me about the textbook, also found
                      some mistakes in my notes”这样才真正体现出你的质疑和思维能力。如果你跟他做过research就最好了,可以写的很生动。
                        Research Ability
                        1.对于Phd, G/T根本不重要,CGA也不是很重要,只是在大家都没有research
                      experience的情况下才会看CGA然后G/T,我老板的要求CGA 3.0以上 G的Math 790(对于中国人)就行了,V和AW不太看的。
                      level course
                      project,所以根本没用。而且要知道在美国发一篇paper是很困难的,本科生有paper的是凤毛麟角,而且大多也是submitted, not
                        体现research ability的正确方法大概有两种,一种是你在学习中的思考与质疑能力,可以写在PS里,也要在letter中体现。
                        还有就是经历,在美国和香港的大多数学校都有 UROP (Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program)
                        这是我的一个prof的话“Every one knows that Chinese folks are good, smart and hard

                      12楼2013-02-28 15:37
                          1.Brief Introduction
                          2.Course work, PS是弥补GPA的好办法,突出我上和10多门数学课,和很多Phd课程,为GPA不够做理由
                          3.Research Experience, 讲述每一个Research,和推荐信精密结合(这是最重要的部分)
                          5.表明 I want to work with
                          2. 美国可能并没有你想象中那么好,至少我身边的人没有几个喜欢的。普遍意义上美国的生活比国内差多了,食物上的差距就能让人崩溃,生活更是单调。
                        faculty. 4。On the other hand, 不要太苛求什么top 10,这么说吧top 50对你发展来讲已经足够了,美国top
                          top 10固然好,环境好,优秀学生云集。。。但是也有弊,竞争太激烈,压力太大,qualify很难,魔鬼教授很多。
                          曾经有同学问我我在哪,然后对我说你们学校不错,专业排名23, 有点智商的人就不会相信这个,top 10, top

                        14楼2013-02-28 15:37

                          15楼2013-02-28 15:39