The third invasion of the Burning Legion
Sargeras is back, this time he chose possession in Garrosh Hellscream, at the same time, he also brought back Kil'jaeden, Burning Legion again invaded is about to unfold. But Hellscream 's death makes Sargeras had to advance his plan, he ordered Gil Gardam to lead the Legion's spearhead attack Azeroth. Guardian dragon has lost their power, Now only Thrall can lead to both the Horde and the Alliance against the legion.
When the 6.0 release will have an epic server tasks, help advance the plot, the alliance and horde will again work together, helping thrall layout of Defense Force
Silver City, Esoda, Quayle Danner island will be redone, these places will be allowed to use flying mounts. The coming of Gil Gardam destroyed the Quayle Danner island, and leave a new road to the Delano, Hellfire peninsula is occupied, the dark portal is destroyed, the Hellfire Citadel to establish a base for the Legion. Here, Gil Gardam raised Magtheridon as vanguard of his army commander. The alliance and Horde are built on the ruins of Quill Danner island, and here are the server task area in 6.0.
As a result of Delano redone, all the old level 70 copies will be out of print. But this time, they had a new destination, rather like the NAXX. Caverns of time will provide new tourism plan for the present, this changes limited to all 70 grade raid copy, other 5 peaple copies and 60 grade copies were not included.