
Servers under the DDOS attackWe're currently experiencing issues due to a DDoS attack targeting our servers. This is resulting in some of our customers sites being slow or even unavailable. Our admin team currently blocking attack source and server should back online shortly.
This is a global issue and most of the incoming traffic is being directed to the WordPress login page which is why during the attack WordPress logins will be disabled and wp-login.php script will redirect to our error page. We are monitoring the situation and doing everything we can to minimize the downtime as much as possible. You can read more about the problem @ http://blog.cloudflare.com/patching-the-internet-fixing-the-wordpress-br
Please do not submit and tickets about this issue and do not increase our work load as we are fully dedicated in resolving this problem. We thank you for your patience and understanding in the matter

Servers under the DDOS attackWe're currently experiencing issues due to a DDoS attack targeting our servers. This is resulting in some of our customers sites being slow or even unavailable. Our admin team currently blocking attack source and server should back online shortly.
This is a global issue and most of the incoming traffic is being directed to the WordPress login page which is why during the attack WordPress logins will be disabled and wp-login.php script will redirect to our error page. We are monitoring the situation and doing everything we can to minimize the downtime as much as possible. You can read more about the problem @ http://blog.cloudflare.com/patching-the-internet-fixing-the-wordpress-br
Please do not submit and tickets about this issue and do not increase our work load as we are fully dedicated in resolving this problem. We thank you for your patience and understanding in the matter