Sigh.Everytime when someone says the whole PRteam and celebrities story is just a conspiracy theory, I actually freak out.
If you have no idea how this business, Hollywood andeverything works then great! But stop bitching around and saying shit aboutstuff you don’t know ANYTHING about.
When people don’t know how things work:
a) Ask
b) Don’t play the smart ass and just shutup
You know what the media tries to do?
Make you believe in stuff.
It’s the same with advertisements. Theytell you all the lies you want to hear that make you feel better, so you buy it.Because the only goal they have: Support the product ( if you can’t tell, I’mtalking about the client) and making money. In every way possible.
We have a brain for a reason: Use it!
I’m not saying that what you believe in iswrong or not, but you can’t just see something and believe in it, withoutasking questions.
And an actual question: What do you thinkPR is doing the whole day long?
Sitting at home and drinking tea?
PR stands for Public Relations
They will make you believe in everythingthey want. They could tell everyone Darren is a freaking alien and THEY WILLFIND a way, to make him look like it and some people will believe it.
Tell weird websites (*cough*wetpaint*cough*)to write down that he is really an ALIEN, not a HUMAN. That he already lives onMARS and can’t live on EARTH and then people would come and say we areAlienPhobic and slut shaming MARS.
Anyways, what I was actually trying to saywas that we shouldn’t believe everything in the media and that we shouldrealise how much powerful PR can be.
They can make up and end relationships,they can build up and ruin your career and they have more power than you canimagine.
The examples are everywhere.