CNKC(中国藏獒标准)(2009) 吻部(头部评定指标):吻部粗短,呈方形。嘴唇呈黑色,丰满,盖住下颚,上唇两侧适度下垂,下唇角低垂,
FCI藏獒标准(2004) Muzzle(鼻吻):Fairly broad, well filled and deep. End of muzzle square.(适当的宽阔,充实而深,吻端方正)。 Lips(唇部):Well developed and covering the underjaw(发育良好,盖住下颚)。 SEVERE FAULTS(严重缺陷):Pendulous flews.(松弛下垂的上唇)
AKC(2012) Muzzle(鼻吻): Broad, well filled and square when viewed from all sides. (宽阔,从各个角度看充实而方正) Lips(唇部): Well developed, thick, with moderate flews and slightly pendulous lower lips. (发育良好,唇厚,
具有适度下垂的上唇, 及轻微垂吊的下唇) 。
名词解释: Muzzle(鼻吻):The forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals, such as dogs, including the mouth, nose, and jaws; the snout.(某些动物,例如犬,头部前面突出的地方,包括嘴,鼻子和下巴;长鼻子).
Flews(上唇腮皮): The loose flaps of skin on the sides of the upper muzzle that hang to different lengths over the mouth. (鼻吻上方两边可松动张弛的皮肤,紧贴嘴部)
FCI藏獒标准(2004) Muzzle(鼻吻):Fairly broad, well filled and deep. End of muzzle square.(适当的宽阔,充实而深,吻端方正)。 Lips(唇部):Well developed and covering the underjaw(发育良好,盖住下颚)。 SEVERE FAULTS(严重缺陷):Pendulous flews.(松弛下垂的上唇)
AKC(2012) Muzzle(鼻吻): Broad, well filled and square when viewed from all sides. (宽阔,从各个角度看充实而方正) Lips(唇部): Well developed, thick, with moderate flews and slightly pendulous lower lips. (发育良好,唇厚,
具有适度下垂的上唇, 及轻微垂吊的下唇) 。
名词解释: Muzzle(鼻吻):The forward, projecting part of the head of certain animals, such as dogs, including the mouth, nose, and jaws; the snout.(某些动物,例如犬,头部前面突出的地方,包括嘴,鼻子和下巴;长鼻子).
Flews(上唇腮皮): The loose flaps of skin on the sides of the upper muzzle that hang to different lengths over the mouth. (鼻吻上方两边可松动张弛的皮肤,紧贴嘴部)