Played Houston! Then rehearsed in Vegas for Billboards! Then cleaned my closet and concluded that roughly 79% of my shirts are striped.在休斯顿!然后在拉斯维加斯排练公告牌的演出!然后清理我的衣柜,得出结论我的条纹衬衫,大约有79%。 ——2013.5.18
Oklahoma- the entire crowd in Austin, TX and I have you in our thoughts and prayers tonight.俄克拉何马州的整个人群在德克萨斯州奥斯汀以及我拥有你们在今晚我们的想法和祈祷。(怪怪的= =,原谅我翻译能力有限) ——2013.5.21
That San Antonio crowd was amazing and SO loud. Now I'm stuck in my own concert traffic, which is a conflicting feeling.圣安东尼奥的人群是惊人的,这么大声。现在我被困在自己的演唱会的路上,这是一种矛盾的感觉。 ——2013.5.22
That moment when you buy scissors and then you try to open them but you can't because you DON'T HAVE SCISSORS.那一刻当你买剪刀,然后你尝试打开它们,但是你不能因为你没有把剪刀。 ——2013.5.24
We play Glendale AZ tonight. Gonna try to break my record of 'how high I can jump off the stairs w/ out injuries'. 我们今晚玩亚利桑那州格伦代尔。要试着打破我的 '我能跳多高,在受伤楼梯' 的记录。——2013.5.28
Well hello again, summer. And green grass Cloudless blue skies. And dancing in the afternoon for no reason at all. 好吧你好,夏天。和绿草蓝色天空无云。在下午跳舞,没有理由——2013.5.30