Effects效果器价格非常贵的Maestro Echoplex 与SONIC WAVE THEREMIN

专门定作的Effect Boards



这个非常经典MXR Phase 90 ,还有Boss CE 2 Chorus老炮们很熟吧!呵呵

Fuzz: All of Jimmy's fuzz boxes were hand-made by Roger Mayer, the engineer who provided sound effects and back-up for Jimi Hendrix and Jeff Beck.
Vox Cry-Baby: This wow-wow is quite heavy and can be heard on How Many More Times (Led Zeppelin) and Living Loving Maid (she's a woman) (Led Zeppelin II).
Maestor Echoplex: Jimmy's exclusive on stage echo machine.
Eventide H949 Clockwork Harmonizer :
Boss SD 1 Distortion :
Boss CE 2 Chorus :
Thermin Unit: This can be heard Whole Lotta Love (Led Zeppelin II) and No Quarter (Houses Of The Holy).
MXR Phase 90: This tremolo-like waving sound which you hear on The Wanton Song (Physical Graffiti) and Achilles' Last Stand (Presence).