厚缘吧 关注:15贴子:1,222
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1楼2013-06-25 01:16回复
    你好! 我们是H.A.T. — Hillary, Ashley, Tianna –三名好朋友来自地球上不同地方, 都是朴施厚先生的死忠粉丝. 我们名字的第一个字母是代表了我们来自的地方(猜猜看?).
    parksihoo4U不仅仅是朴施厚先生的专属网站. 还是一个以三种语文 (韩, 英, 中) 全心全意来支援至爱的施厚先生. 我们成立的目的是提供全面性较为详尽的朴施厚资料库 — 他的谈话, 留言, 演出的, 以及访问等等.
    这是有爱才可以持续的艰巨任务. 虽然很多资料已是垂手可得, 希望可以综合并加以系统化. 我们都是完美主义者 — 小心考据竭力求真. 并且会搜刮资料进行翻译. 我们的工作希望可以一如朴施厚先生般完美无瑕.
    让我们以细小的步伐出发. 希望日后可以成为朴施厚先生最详尽的资料库.
    我们知道我们正面对挑战, 但我们会尽心尽力去迎接. 因为….朴先生施厚是值得的!”

    2楼2013-06-25 01:36
      附:parksihoo4U网站 5月29日公告全文
      ***IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT 2013.05.29***
      We have been subjected to BRUTEFORCE ATTACK for the 4th time since April 13. We don’t know whether these hackers are attacking PSH4U or PSH or both.
      We have to implement additional authentication protection for our blog.
      When you try to log in now, you will be directed to a page where you are asked to type in a USERNAME and PASSWORD that we set.
      After that, you will see the same old WORDPRESS LOG IN page. Just type in your own USERNAME and PASSWORD and you’re in.
      You have to e-mail us at parksihoo4u@gmail for the first set of Username and Password.
      Please provide your USERNAME. We have to verify whether you are a bona fide PSH4U member first and to see if you have provided your real name in your Profile. Then we will e-mail you the Username and Password to access the LOG IN page.
      Please don’t share this new Username and Password with anyone. It’s between you and us.
      Sorry for the inconvenience. But we have to protect our blog, and by extension, Park Si Hoo.
      1. We cannot send you the new Username and Password if you have not given us your real name.2. If you have NEVER left a comment, why do you want the new Username and Password? You have to give us a reason to trust you.

      3楼2013-06-25 02:13

        4楼2013-07-02 02:40

          5楼2013-07-02 02:43
            TPM MV由匈牙利厚粉编辑制作。歌曲《只有爱情》源自音乐剧《鲁道夫的红鼻子驯鹿》——非常感谢!谢谢!。

            6楼2013-07-02 09:08

              来自iPad7楼2013-07-03 00:08
                Not only that: the devilish duo went to their father to tell tales. My poor brother and I were hauled in front of our grandfather and given a thorough spanking for “disrespect to elders”.(不仅如此,气急败坏的两个人还到他们父亲那儿去告状,可怜的弟弟和我还被叫道爷爷面前并以不尊重长辈的为名挨了屁股)
                And that’s not the end: After our grandfather was through with us, our mother gave us another spanking. She was crying when she saw our bloodied noses and red bottoms, but she still had to use the cane.(可是事情到此还没完结,在被爷爷教训了一顿之后,我们的妈妈又接著教训我们,尽管看到我们被打得鼻青脸肿她哭了,可是她还是对我们棍棒伺候)
                I was 12; my brother was 10. Our uncle was 11 and our aunt 9. We (our parents and their children) moved out of the Big House the following year.(那时候我十二岁,弟弟十岁,叔叔十一岁,姑姑九岁,我们全家第二年搬离了那座花园洋房)
                I don’t know why this suppressed memory suddenly surfaced when I saw the way Park Si Hoo was treated by the Koreans in the aftermath of the closure of his case. He is made to bow his head even though he has nothing to be ashamed of. He is forced to “exercise self-restraint” and suspend all activities in Korea.(不知道为什麽当我看到朴施厚在事件曝光之后是怎样被韩国国民对待的时候我的眼前突然浮现出了这压抑已久的记忆,他被迫低头道歉尽管他没有什麽可以引以为羞的,他被动选择自肃并自动终止了在韩国的所有演艺活动)
                OK, maybe this is Korean culture. But when PSH’s Japan Official Fan Club opened on June 17 and he left a handwritten message — to say Hello — and the Korean media belatedly reported on this 8 days later, they did so in such language as to suggest PSH was making his comeback – SO SOON?! The JOFC immediately closed everything, and only members could access the different sections of the site.(我的天,这大概就是韩国文化,可是为什麽当朴施厚日本官网开业的之时他手书了一则祝贺短信韩国媒体却没完没了的报导了八天,他们这麼做的目的就是用这种方式提醒朴施厚你回归得太快了?朴施厚日本官网随即中止了所有活动,最后只有会员才能访问该网站的页面)
                When I finally became a member, I went into DIARY and was shocked to find the handwritten message DELETED! It was no longer on the top page either, the one that everybody can see. I had thought the JOFC just locked it. It cannot be a coincidence that this PSH message disappeared from the JOFC after the Korean media made noises. PSH and the JOFC must have felt the pressure.(当我终於成为一名会员之后,我到了DIARY版面并惊讶的发现朴先生的手书被删除了,它已经不在人人可见的网站的最显著位置,我想日本官网已经将他加密了,这不可能是巧合这则短信从日本官网消失一定是迫於韩国媒体的噪音,朴施厚和日本官网肯定是感到了巨大的压力才这么做的)

                来自iPad9楼2013-07-03 00:22