Ridiculous, I know. But it’s amazing what your brain has to let go of in order to protect itself, to keep going, like a sinking ship shedding it’s cargo. ——《 And the History Books Forgot About Us 》by 1297
150。 “Maybe that's why I'm a good teacher. I'm not happy, but I'm not unhappy about it.” 我不为现在的生活高兴,也不并为此抑抑。事实上,生活不一定必须要有什么意义,又或者急于设定什么目标,然而你所做的一切,在未来的某一日,必定有所显现。这又是生命的必须。
113。 I wish the fiery transcendence would carry me up and throw me into a sea of flames, where, consumed by their delicate and insidious tongues, I would die an ecstatic death. Imrid amrad ursul.