动画片名是爱尔兰语Through the Storm 官方脸书上可以看完整版:htt[这次千万别]p://t.c[再吞链接了]n/8svTR3J 是一个短片,拿过几个电影节的奖 最近汤上又提起来是因为它3月份新登上了3D World Magazine这本杂志的UK版 话说看里面那个女巫的相貌...是不是K姐不光配音还充当了一下参考原型啊...
还有就是有关新片Leading Lady的 汤上有姑娘发现了一张不算剧照的剧照哦 caf-powinc: Hey guys! I just found this picture on Dark Matter Studios facebook’s page! As you can maybe see at the back, here’s a little sneak peak of Katie in her upcoming movie Leading Lady!
Leading Lady六月7/8号在西雅图国际电影节(SIFF)首映! 官网地址: http://t.cn/8sWhzAD "An uplifting tale" "An meaningful, laugh-out-loud comedy about following your dreams and finding your place. "
完整剧情简介: Famous film director Daniel Taylor (Gil Bellows) is planning a film about a historical Afrikaans Boer woman. His British actress girlfriend, Jodie, covets the role but realizes she must travel to South Africa to fully embrace the character. Upon arrival she meets ruggedly handsome Kobus, a young farmer who shares the same last name as the historical character, and eventually convinces him to let her stay at the farm. In payment, Jodie will act and direct the annual summer play with a ragtag group of misfits, including a scene-stealing supporting role by Fanie himself (Eduan van Jaarsveldt) as Kobus' much-looser brother. becomes much more complicated when Daniel arrives for location scouting. Combining outstanding performances and a deep love of Afrikaans Boer culture with delightful deviations from the romantic comedy formula, writer-director Henk Pretorius confirms the promise of Fanie Fourie's Lobola with another meaningful, laugh-out-loud comedy about following your dreams a