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Yeah! I was like, “This is fucking hot.” I was so into it. I couldn’t help it. But I’m not gonna lie. Tequila was involved. I had to have some tequila. I mean, not only are you simulating sexual acts, then you add in a bunch of snakes.
Jessica Lange also decided to tell me a story that day. This is a very Jessica thing to do. She was leaving the set and I was staying to do the snake stuff and she goes, “Don’t let that snake near your face. I was in a pet store once where someone was holding a quote-unquote nice snake, and the snake reached up and bit the shit out of that person’s face.” I said, “Thanks a lot, mom,” and she goes, “Have fun!” I thinking she was feeling particularly Fiona-ish, like, “Have fun, sucker.”So now that Cordelia’s maybe going dark, is she getting a new wardrobe to match? Because I’m going to miss the high-waisted pants.
Actually, it does change after tonight’s episode. At first, Ryan was like, "I want her to look like Katherine Hepburn/Carole Lombard" – high-waisted pants, 40s, very light and airy compared to Fiona’s structured black stuff. But when I come home from the hospital in tonight’s episode, notice I’m wearing a black dress. Things start changing. Cordelia’s a different kind of woman now, and she probably can’t see a lot of what she’s wearing so Fiona’s probably handing her the clothes she thinks she should be wearing. It’s a lot more black. I remember I called Ryan because I loved those pants but I was getting tired of them. I wore them e-v-e-r-y day. We’d just change the tops.
Jessica made a funny joke once when I walked in the trailer wearing pearls one day and she was like, “Jesus, Barbara Bush.” I can tell you the pearls I wear from now on are black.