Nate第一天的活动纪录 Nathaniel is spending the weekend in London, where he is one of the guests at Insurgence 5.5 convention. Today, he had photo ops with fans (tweet them to us! We would love to see them!), a coffee lounge, autograph session… He also spent some time on stage with Trent Ford, Daniel Newman and Dave Alpay and later he had an individual panel in which he talked how much he loves London, about his new charity, love, acting… ON STAGE: - He says he realised when he came to London he owned no warm clothes. - His dad is German. - Nate was impressed but the McDonald’s in UK. - He said that as Kol he would date Katherine in the show, but he wishes he could say Rebekah. - He says it’s unfair that Claire’s his sister in the show. He will never have a chance & joked saying Kol should have asked Bekah for kisses. - Funny fact: Nate thought that if the flag was down at the palace, meant that the Queen was on the toilet. (Oh Nate!) - Nate says his biggest fear is being alone. He also said that dating actresses doesn’t work for him, he learnt it now. - He even re-enacted the scene where Kol drowns Professor Shane! You can see it on the picture. (Photo Credit: @Claire_Louise87). PANEL: - He changed his surname when he was 18. - Nate keeps saying he is so lonely in LA but he loves the challenge to stay positive. - Nate’s charity project will be called ‘Active Love’ and actors will give 10% of their wages from their jobs. He’s working on it. (We hope to know more about it soon.) - He says he wants to help improve his relationship with his brother. - Nate’s more than happy if he never works again he doesn’t want to be defined by his acting, but how he lives and loves. - He says acting will always be his passion but his purpose is to be the best person he can be. - He doesn’t care about the actors who he will work with, he just wants to tell good stories. - Nate said he often struggles to keep his tweets to 140 characters, but he finds twitlonger a problem as messages get lost. - As he he’s very lonely in LA, he has a lot of time to think about his life and the universe that’s why he tweets so much. - Nate is a big romantic, he wants love so bad. His biggest fear is not finding it. He says he has to keep his heart open and able always.