廖承志致蒋经国先生信。。。。 经国吾弟: Dear brother Ching-Kuo, 咫尺之隔,竟成海天之遥。 Who would have expected that the short distance between us should be keeping us poles apart! 南京匆匆一晤,瞬逾三十六载。 It is now more than 36 years since our brief encounter in Nanjing. 幼时同袍,苏京把晤,往事历历在目。 The days we spent together in childhood as well as later in the Soviet Capital,however,are still as fresh as ever in my memory.
惟长年未通音问,此诚憾事。 It is a pity indeed that we have not heard from each other for so many years. 近闻政躬违和,深为悬念。 Recently it failed me with much concern to learn of your indisposition. 人过七旬,多有病痛。 Men aged 70 are liable to illness. 至盼善自珍摄。 I hope you will take good care of yourself.