Tempo Run----节奏跑 Tempo runs are one of the most critical components of any training program. Tempo runs teach your body how to run at a fast pace for a long period of time. They also are critical in developing the mental concentration and toughness needed to race well. Training yourself to maintain a pace that is outside of your comfort level for an extended period is so important for fast racing. Here are a few pointers: 节奏跑,作为所有训练计划的最重要组分之一,可以教会您的身体如何长时间以快配速奔跑。在培养跑好比赛所需的精神集中和心理韧性方面,节奏跑也非常重要。为了提高比赛速度,必须训练您自己长时间保持某个您舒适范围之外的配速。以下是几个相关的问题: What is a Tempo Run? 什么是节奏跑? A tempo run consists of a 10-15 minute easy warm-up jog, followed by a 3-6 mile run at about your 10k pace. At the very least, make sure that you are running hard during these workouts; you should not be able to carry on a conversation with someone next to you. After the tempo run, make sure to include a 10-15 minute jog to cool down your muscles. If you are just starting to run tempos, make sure that you don't excee
When To Start Tempo Runs?什么时候开始节奏跑? A runner should do tempo runs once he or she has built a running base of 30 miles a week for two months. This will ensure that the runner has the necessary fitness to perform the workout without risk of injury. It is important not to overdo tempo runs and to balance them with other kinds of speed workouts. Take a look at my speed workout section in my base building page for more info. Keep in mind that starting speed workouts can lead to injuries, including achilles tendonitis, IT-Band soreness, and runner's knee if your body is not ready for the faster pace. If you feel pain, it is very important that you not try to ignore it. To help cut down on the risk of injuries, make sure that you are running in good running shoes and don't have any signs of over-training. 一旦建立连续2个月每周30英里的基础,跑步者就应该开始节奏跑。这样可以确保跑步者具备节奏跑所需的体质,而无伤害风险。重要的是节奏跑别过量,还要结合其它类型的速度训练。若想了解详情,请参见我的基础训练部分速度训练章节。记住,如果您的身体还没有准备好提高速度,开始速度训练可能导致损伤,包括跟腱炎,骼胫束痛(译注—关节外侧,重者延伸至大腿外侧)和跑步者膝盖(译注—在膝盖区域,髌骨