The Assessment visit was to establish a formal notice of our intention and interest in participating in the Bid Process and also confirm previous findings before engaging in the tender process.
Although the findings remain consistent with the previous assessment, an attempt has been made to provide a more informed estimation of the total stock of scrap available.
Most of the Sites are not easily accessible and where they are the grounds are covered with thick weeds and foliage, making it difficult to provide an empirical estimate. The estimates provided are conservative and indicative of the minimum stock of scrap available for planning.
The provisional/tentative inventory provided in the Bid Document may have been accurate at the time of assessment, but over the years a considerable stock has been scavenged and stolen. It is anticipated that when the sites are properly cleared the inventory should be in the region of + I.2 million Metric Tonnes.
The Scrap Sites have been subdivided and the sub areas in each site have been captured by GPS and numbered by series example Site A1, Site A2 etc. Photographic imprints have been attached and form a part of the Report
The Report is conservative and attempts to group the findings to meet the categories as detailed in the Bid Document as follows:
Overall, the Volume of the Stock of Scrap at the Yekepa Sites is estimated to be in excess of 900,000 metric tons and may be approximated to 1 million Tons for planning purposes.