正是母校的一切给予了我智慧、德行、感悟、力量,还有那个温馨的大家庭!此刻的我,怀揣着一颗难以平静的心,很想倾诉我无言的感激与思念。一朝省实人,终生省实人!我不会忘记母校给我的平台,老师给我的教诲,同学给我的鼓励、帮助与真挚的友情。No matter what willcome, I'll stand still; no matter what will change, I'll remain; no matter what strikes me on the face, I'll wait. Till one day, something will show. Nothing more, but the love that cannot be spoken, and the memory that lies deeply in my heart, will be bright and shiny among all stars.