那啥,不是作业里还有个英语作文么......于是我写完了让大神看看有没有什么语法错误,或者是哪里写得不够好~【都是上大学的人了经历过高考什么的这种事一定是小菜一碟的对吧~~~没错就是你了@凌晨的金星 唉唉,感觉你好可怜每次都被我抓来当苦力......所以谢谢苦力~~~】
recently,in order to prevent and reduce traffic accidents, traffic regulations were drew up more drastic,which makes violators will be severly punished.
For example ,run the yellow light is treated as violation.
In the picture,we can know the drivers who are running the yellow light are broking rules.
In my opinion ,it is good for drivers who are not care for
regulations to seriously treat traffic rules.
On the one hand ,it is the most effective way that can protect the safety of people's life.On the other hand, the traffic accidents will be prevented .
But according to the picture,forbiding run the light can lead to the cars'brake hard which probably account for a chain accident.
On the position side ,with the new traffic regulations' using,our country's traffic condition will be improved,which shows people's lives will have more powerful security.