There's people that love me and people that hate me. But it's the evil that made me this backstabbing, deceitful, and shady.(译:有人爱我有人恨,是邪恶与不公教我使诈教我瞒骗,教我成为Slim Shady)
To the people I forgot, you weren't on my mind for some reason and you probably don't deserve any thanks anyway.--EMINEM(译:给那些我忘却了的人:出于某种原因把你抛诸脑后,很有可能是你不值得我用任何方式去铭记与感谢。)
"Music, in general, is supposed to be universal; people can listen to whatever they want and get something out of it" -Eminem(译:音乐,一般来说,是被认定为具有普遍传播性的;人们能够听到任何内容,并从中获益。)
"If you opened up your ears long enough to listen you may hear what you have been missing" -Eminem, Atlanta On Fire(译:打开耳朵,用足够长的时间去聆听,你将发现有些东西是你曾忽略过的。)
How can I predict my words and have an impact like this? And now they sayin I'm in trouble wit the government .I'm lovin it!(译: 我怎么可能预料到我的言论 会带来如此多的争议 现在人们都说我招惹了政府 那就尽管来好了,我就享受这感觉!)