苍白的烟花吧 关注:4贴子:338

回复:I'm stan


There ain't no one in this earth right now I'd much better be. - Where I'm at(在这世界上,现在谁都不如我这般好。)

IP属地:江西65楼2014-02-09 13:09
    You are my reason for being, the meaning of my existence. - Eminem, Crazy in Love(你是我生命之原由,你是我存在之意义。)

    IP属地:江西66楼2014-02-09 13:09
      We have made that hard journey, we can finally see the valley bellow. - Eminem(我们经历了风雨,所以终能见到彩虹。)

      IP属地:江西67楼2014-02-09 13:09
        Music is like magic. There's a certain feeling you get when you real and you spit and people are feeling your shit. - Till I Collapse(音乐如魔法。每当你音乐表达真我,且听众也感同身受之时,你会有种别样感动。)

        IP属地:江西68楼2014-02-09 13:09
          Sold a billion tapes and still screamed, "Fuck the world!" (I'm Slim Shady..) — I'm Shady(即使已成为卖出数亿张专辑的说唱巨星,我仍敢怒吼:操翻全世界!我是痞子阿姆。)

          IP属地:江西70楼2014-02-09 13:10
            If you don't give a fuck like we don't give a fuck, somebody say: fuck, yeah! - Love Me(如果你们跟我们一样什么他妈的都不在乎,就一起说:去你妈的!)

            IP属地:江西71楼2014-02-09 13:10
              found my niche, you gon' hear my voice. 'Til you sick of it, you ain't gonna have a choice. - Eminem, Rabbit Run(在说唱界里,我已找对位置站稳脚跟。只要你听说唱,就必须听到爷的歌。即使我的声音让你想吐,也别无选择。

              IP属地:江西72楼2014-02-09 13:10
                If I could take it all back now, I wouldn't I would have did more shit that people said that I shouldn't. - Eminem, Drug Balled(即便能重来,我也不会后悔所做之事。只是遗憾没有多做些别人不让做的事。)

                IP属地:江西73楼2014-02-09 13:10
                  Love, when spelled backwards and read phonetically, reads evil ― Eminem(爱,当反向拼写并读它的发音,叫作“邪恶”。)

                  IP属地:江西74楼2014-02-09 13:11
                    There's a place called heaven and a place called hell.A place called prison and a place called jail.And da's probably on his way to all of em except one.(世上有个天堂也个地狱,有个叫监禁的地方也有个牢狱,而我一脚踏入黑暗走在没有天堂的路上)

                    IP属地:江西75楼2014-02-09 13:11
                      Last year I was nobody, this year I'm selling records.Now everybody wants to come around like I owe 'em something.---Marshall Mathers(昔日我还是无名小卒,如今便是销量指标。人们涌来分一杯羹,好像我亏欠了他们什么。)

                      IP属地:江西76楼2014-02-09 13:11
                        It hurts but i never show, this pain you'll never know if you can see just how lonely and how cold ----Drop the world (面对痛苦从没有示弱,你永远无法知道生活如何把我虐成渣,这么孤独又冷酷。)

                        IP属地:江西77楼2014-02-09 13:11
                          You dream of trading places.You cannot fill these shoes, there is too much to lose.----Almost Famous(你梦想站在我的高度,但你恐怕承受不了名望带来的冲击,因为失去的远比想象中多。)

                          IP属地:江西78楼2014-02-09 13:12
                            When you swallow it all wallow and drown in your sorrow.And tmr you're probably gonna wanna do it again.---Drug Ballad(掏空了酒樽挥不去空虚。明天继续浑噩度日,不知悔改。)

                            IP属地:江西79楼2014-02-09 13:12
                              You show me nothing but hate.You ran me into the ground but what comes around goes around.(除了厌恶憎恨你能带给我什么?你曾把我置诸死地,但抬头看看总有报应)

                              IP属地:江西80楼2014-02-09 13:12