Don't try to fight the feeling of something that's so organic. You can't ignore it, so don't, just stand before it. - Eminem, So Bad(别老想着去抑制自己内心自然而然的情感,你逃不掉的,所以别做无谓挣扎了,勇敢面对。)
It sometimes feels like a strange movie. It’s all so weird that sometimes I wonder if it is really happening.(有时候有些事就像是场奇怪的电影,怪异到让我开始怀疑这一切到底是不是真的发生在我身上。)
Follow me, as I lead through the darkness.Give me hope, give me strength. Come with me and I won't steer you wrong. - Mosh(跟我来,让我来指引你冲出黑暗。给我希望,给我力量,我不会误你前行。)
I don't care if u r black, white, straight, bisexual, gay, lesbian, short, tall, fat, skinny, rich or poor.If u r nice 2 me, I'll be nice to u.不管你是白人还是黑人,异性恋还是双性恋,搞基还是拉拉,高矮胖瘦,是贫是富,只要你对我好,我就对你好
Let it be known from this day forward. I just wanna say thanks 'cause your hate is give me the strength. - Lighters(抛开痛苦过往勇敢前行。如今我只想和对我使诈的小人说句“谢谢”,因为正是你们的仇恨嫉妒,支持着我走到今日。)
If my kids moved to the edge of the earth, I'd find them. No money, no nothing. If I had nothing, I'll find my kids.(如果我的孩子离开了我,就算跑到地球的另一边,我也要找到他们。即使我没钱没地位,一无所有,也要找到我的孩子。)
That's rock bottom when u feel u have had it up to here 'cause u mad enough to scream but you sad enough to tear. - Rock Bottom(每当满腔怒火想要喷发却只能沮丧流泪时,你会觉得受够了这种底层的草根人生。而这,就是现实的残酷,生命的低谷。)
Just promise me you will think of me every time you look up in the sky and see a star. - Space Bound(只愿每当你仰望夜空看到一颗星星的时候能想起我。)更了,晚上再说. > ☆白举纲新单曲《乘着破船回家》 QQ音乐:
No more worries, rest your head & go to sleep. Maybe one day we will wake up & this'll all just be a dream. - Mockingbird(放下担忧,啥也不想安心睡觉。指不定哪天醒来时发现一切的烦恼忧愁都只是场梦而已。)