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What is biomass?
Biomass, a renewable energy source, is biological material from living organisms.The most conventional way in which biomass is used still relies on direct incineration.The most sample way to get biomass is to burn wood.
Kinds of biomass:
Many plants are used to produce the biomass, such as corn, willow, and sugarcane and hemp palm. Dead animals, animal excrement, waste water, rubbish can also produce the energy.
1st part: Agriculture waste
2nd part: Forestry waste
3rd part: Livestock

IP属地:英国1楼2014-04-10 11:16回复
    That really depends on the type of biomass you are trying to buy. The cost of corn based biomass is different from that of sewage. Typically though the cost per BTU of biomass when used to generate heat is usually less than $5 per million BTU.

    IP属地:英国3楼2014-04-10 11:16
      The price of biomass energy can vary. The low side of it will be around $0.04 a kw and the high side up near 11 cents per kw! Systems are being developed that might help lower the price!

      IP属地:英国4楼2014-04-10 11:17
        Protecting the Land
        With thoughtful practice and management, perennial energy crops can improve the soil quality of land that has been overused for annual row crops. The deep roots of energy crops enhance the structure of the soil and increase its organic content. Since tilling occurs infrequently, the soil suffers little physical damage from machinery. One study estimates that converting a corn farm of average size to switchgrass could save 66 truckloads of soil from erosion each year.
        Perennial energy crops need considerably less fertilizer, pesticide, herbicide, and fungicide than annual row crops. Reduced chemical use helps protect ground and surface water from poisons and excessive aquatic plant growth. Furthermore, deep-rooted energy crops can serve as filters to protect waterways from chemical runoff from other fields and prevent sedimentation caused by erosion.
        Finally, perennial energy crops can create more diverse habitats than annual row crops, attracting a wider variety of species such as birds, pollinators, and other beneficial insects, and supporting larger populations. Furthermore, the long harvest window for energy crops enables farmers to avoid nesting or breeding seasons.
        Converting Biomass to Energy
        Most biomass is converted to energy the same way it always has been—by burning it. The heat can be used directly for heating buildings, crop drying, dairy operations, and industrial processes. It can also be used to produce steam and generate electricity. For example, many electric generators and businesses burn biomass by itself or with other fuels in conventional power plants.
        Biomass can also be converted into liquids or gases to produce electricity or transportation fuels. Ethanol is typically produced through fermentation and distillation, in a process much like that used to make beer. Soybean and canola oils can be chemically converted into a liquid fuel called biodiesel. These fuels can be used in conventional engines with little, if any, modification.
        Biomass can be converted into a gas by heating it under pressure and without oxygen in a "gasifier." Manure too can be converted using a digester. The gas can then be burned to produce heat, steam, or electricity.
        Other biogas applications are still in development, but show great potential. One promising technology is direct combustion in an advanced gas turbine to run a generator and produce electricity. This process is twice as efficient as simply burning raw biomass to produce electricity from steam. Researchers are also developing small, high-speed generators to run on biogas. These "microturbines" have no more than three moving parts and generate as little as 30 kilowatts, which could power a medium-sized farm. Several companies are also considering converting gasified biomass into ethanol as a less expensive alternative to fermentation.
        Alternatively, biogas can be processed into hydrogen or methanol, which can then be chemically converted to electricity in a highly efficient fuel cell. Fuel cells can be large enough to power an entire farm or small enough to power a car or tractor.
        An innovative experiment in Missouri provides one example of the possibilities. Corn is used to produce ethanol, and the waste from the process is fed to cows for dairy production. Cow manure fertilizes the corn and is also run through a digester to produce biogas. A fuel cell efficiently converts the biogas into electricity to run the operation. The end products are ethanol, electricity, and milk. All the waste products are used within the project to lower costs.
        Biomass currently provides about two percent of America's electricity, one percent of the fuel used in cars and trucks, and some of the heat and steam used by homes and businesses. With more energy crops and better conversion technology, it could gain a much larger portion of the market. Energy crops and crop residues could provide 14 percent of U.S. electricity use or 13 percent of the nation's motor fuel.
        An Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) study found that farmers could grow 188 million dry tons of switchgrass on 42 million acres of cropland in the United States at a price of less than $50 per dry ton delivered (see map below). This level of production would increase total U.S. net farm income by nearly $6 billion. ORNL also estimates that about 150 million dry tons of corn stover and wheat straw are available annually in the United States at the same price, which could increase farm income by another $2 billion. This assumes about 40 percent of the total residue is collected and the rest is left to maintain soil quality.
        Assumes energy crop production is limited to areas where these crops can be produced without irrigation and where sufficient research has been done to provide reliable information on yields and management requirements. Thus, other areas of the United States may also be suitable for growing energy crops.

        IP属地:英国6楼2014-04-10 11:18