The Importance of a GoodEducation
Getting a good education may be the mostimportant price you can pay, because, perhaps more than anything else, what youdo with that huge gray material between your ears will determine your future.These words actually describe millions of people worldwide who choose to limittheir potential ability by not widening their education.
A person much more likely to have betterjob offers, ,more successful career, and a higher yearly salary with a bettereducation. This, in turn. would allow for much better life style. For example,compare two people. The first person is a high school dropout(退学学生). The second has a law degree. The high school dropout will befortunate to get a job in food services, making less than twenty thousanddollars a year, barely surviving each week. To contrast this , the person withthe law degree will certainly have a successful career as a lawyer, making over$ 70,000 annually. The lawyer will, of course , have a very wealthy lifestyle.Statistics show that high school dropouts make 42% less money than collegegraduates.
Our generation will become the doctors, lawyers,teachers and leaders of tomorrow. To do this successfully, a higher level ofeducation is very important! A higher education will mean a better life style,a better ability to adjust to new technologies, and a various life. Our worldcannot afford any unused potential.
We must crave learning. This, in turn,will pay for not only our future but also will help to insure success for thosewho follow.
a) 人人能读好书, 顺利升学, 比什么都重要;
b) 人人都能接受与其自身条件和未来发展相适应的教育;
c) 高质量的就业就是良好教育的成果体现;
d) 你是如何看待接受教育的?
A good education may have an essentialpart of one’s life. A person is much more likely to have better job offers, a moresuccessful career, and a higher yearly salary with a better education.
So it is important for new generation who wants to obtain an idealcareer and salary, to get a higher level education. As it is stated above, thefirst person is a high school dropout and the second has a law degree.
Education has become an important part of our life. Schooling begins inearly childhood and ends at the end of teenage. In fact, the college andpostgraduate levels are expanding most rapidly. If everyone can do well in allsubjects at school, and enter higher school smoothly, it is more important thananything. They can accept the education that adapts with their own conditionand their future development. After graduation everyone gets the employment ofa high quality it means a good educational achievement. But I think onlyadequate money can guarantee good education.
�>0�h��s=MsoNormal style='text-indent:12px;mso-char-indent-count:.99;line-height:13px;mso-line-height-rule:exactly'>阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
John, a heavysmoker, once felt bad-tempered.His hands started shaking and he coughed a lot,so he turned to his doctor for help. “Quit smoking.” the doctor advised.Finding the advice sensible from several points, such as money, health, andcleanliness, John decided to give up smoking. However, for several hourswithout a cigarette, John was nervous and had difficulty in concentrating,inability to sleep, which made him more hungry for a cigarette. He said tohimself, “One more, and I will quit it tomorrow. Tomorrow will be a suitableday for me to break away from the bad habit…” Then he picked up acigarette which made him relaxed. Again and again John made up his mind to doit “tomorrow”. Today John is still addicted to smoking.
Lots of peoplethink that “tomorrow”is always the mostconvenient time to start breaking an old developed habit. But good intentionsare there, and will-power is not. Consequently, these people will never achieveanything.
2、然后以约120个词就“Don’t leave Today’s Work for Tomorrow”这个主题发表你的看法,并包括下面要点:
1) 不能把今天的事情推迟到明天,因为明天还有明天的事情。
Don’t leave Today’sWork for Tomorrow
The passage arguesthat people who lack determination leave today’s work for tomorrow and theyachieve little success by showing us the example that without strong will Johnfailed to quit smoking.
In my opinion ,we can’t leave today’swork for tomorrow, because for different days we have different things to do.So if we fail to make up our mind to complete today’s work and leave it fortomorrow, when we’ll have some other work, we`ll gradually pile up too manythings and will never get them done. Still more, only the persons withoutdetermination and will-power will find all kinds of excuses for the things theyshould have done today. That John found excuses for leaving quitting smokingfor tomorrow and couldn’t make it in the passage is a good lesson for us. Inaddition , leaving today’s work for tomorrow is a bad habit, which will makefor a person’s laziness.
Personally, as students, havinga lot of things to learn and different homework of different subjects to doevery day, we can’t afford to waste time, so the earlier we plan our time andget down to the work, the better results we will get. In a word, if we havestrong intention and great determination and do everything as planned, we willbe able to keep improving ourselves and achieve success.