ay You Say Me 歌手: Lionel Richie Say you, say me Say it for always That's the way it should be Say you, say me Say it together, naturally I had a dream, I had an awesome dream People in the park Playing game in the dark And what they played Was a masquerade But from behind the walls of doubt A voice was crying out Say you, say me Say it for always That's the way it should be 经典金曲,不多说了,需要正能量的时候就听下这首歌。
You Are Beautiful 歌手: James Blunt You're beautiful You're beautiful You're beautiful it's true There must be an angel with a smile on her face When she thought that I should be with you But it's time to face the truth I will never be with you 对自己没信心的时候就听下这个,嗯,我很beautiful。哈哈,瞬间满血复活。其实这歌写的是爱而不得。
sealed with a kiss 歌手:Brian Hyland Though we gotta say goodbye For the summer Darling, I promise you this I' ll send you all my love Every day in a letter Sealed with a kiss 《Sealed With A Kiss》,极具浪漫色彩,叙离别之情,却不伤感;道分手之苦,却不低沉。别离时浓浓的不是离愁,而是浪漫。 其明快中略带忧伤的旋律,充满留恋的歌词加上 Brian Hyland那凄婉的,纯粹的嗓音不知唱出了多少好友,恋人之间“ 欲走还留 ”的心情。 这首歌很容易唱出感觉来,跟我的声音基调神似,以前去ktv喜欢点这首歌。
burning-Maria Arredondo Passion is sweet Love makes weak You said you cherished freedom so You refuse to let it go 第一次听到这首歌的时候真的被惊艳到了,曲调和嗓音把passion这个词演绎的淋漓尽致。开到荼蘼的感觉。
The sound of silence-姚?? And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more. People talking without speaking, People hearing without listening, People writing songs that voices never share And no one deared Disturb the sound of silence. 我听的是女生翻唱版,学生时代睡前音乐列表里的标志性歌曲。很安静的女声。
Big big world 歌手:Emilla I'm a big big girl in a big big world It's not a big big thing if you leave me but I do do feel that I too too will miss you much miss you much... 我的英语启蒙音乐之一,当年凭着这首歌征服了我们滴美女英语老师~歌词也写的是一段感情的逝去,可路总是要继续走下去不是么
Scarborough Fair-Simon&XX Are you going to Scarborough Fair? Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme Remember me to one who lives there She once was a true love of mine 英语启蒙音乐,在疯狂英语上听到的,当时英语很烂,完全不知道这首歌在唱什么就是莫名的喜欢。后来莎拉布莱曼翻唱把这首歌唱红了,可我打从心里讨厌她唱的版本。话说这首歌表面上看起来写的是情人间的离别,其实旨在抨击战争给人带来的惨痛。电影毕业生里出了太多难以超越的记录。