英饭深扒:关于小曹爸爸的~~"The Words I Want to Hear: 'Father'. My Endless Shame"From 2005 on Daum where JSW's dad, Jo Kyung Soo, was interviewed. Key points extracted from a rough google translate (funny thing about google, it translates JKS's name as Landscape Trees ):
(can you see the resemblance...?)
JSW's parents married in 1974, but after their divorce, JKS left for the U.S. in 1982 leaving behind a 6 year old Jo Seo Yeon (JSW's sister) and a 3 year old JSW.
He says he watches their works, proudly, from afar...
JKS had colon (?) cancer and when he went to have the surgery in 2004, I think the article said that JSW and his sister went to visit him and there were some misunderstandings that resulted from miscommunication (???)
He says he hopes that SY meets a good man and something about JSW's girlfriend (KHJ at the time)
http://k.daum.net/qna/view.html?qid=0FzhKHmm interesting. Regardless of what the situation between the parents was, I definitely do not condone what JKS did to his kids, basically abandoning them. Also since JSW doesn't like to talk about his 'dad' I'm actually trying to not use that word much to refer to JKS since my allegiance is with JSW and my heart still aches for him. However, I think its great that JSW is trying to heal and go towards the route of forgiveness, not because I think the man deserves it, but because I want to see JSW happy and healthy, and anger doesn't help with either one. Also, I always tend to be skeptical of estranged parents of famous celebrities since I wonder if they'd feel the same level of regret if their child didn't become super successful and it's a little uncomfortable and odd that the man would do a whole interview about this private family affair even though JSW himself doesn't like to talk about, almost like he craves the spotlight...but I'm just cynical...