2014.5.26 “It's nights like these that I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I brought my tour family to hang out with my family in the house I grew up in.” “在这样的夜晚我感觉我是世界上最幸运的女孩,我带着我的巡演团队来到我成长的地方和我的家人共度美好时光。” 评论:Lindsey一生中最重要的“两个家”
2014.5.26 “We are touring across the us and Europe and I've never had so much fun both on and off stage before. Tickets are almost sold out. Can't wait to see you.” “我们的演出正在北美和欧洲巡回举行,在台前幕后都如此兴奋,从未有过的感觉!门票已经基本售罄,亲们我等不及见到你们了!” 评论:灵动的Lindsey,超帅的照片!
2014.5.28 “Backstage before we played my hometown show in Phoenix. It is always such an unreal experience to play for the people who helped make you who you are in the place that holds more memories than anywhere else in the world. I love you family, friends and Phoenix.” “这是在我们来到我的家乡菲尼克斯的巡演开始前的后台。在一个世界上充满最多回忆的地方,为当初造就进你今天成就的朋友们演奏,实在是一种奇妙的体验。爱你们,我的家人” 评论:照片风格很带感,菲尼克斯也是我很喜欢的一座美国城市,AZ州府所在地,史蒂夫·纳什成名的地方(菲尼克斯太阳队),有的时候你现在喜欢的和之前喜欢上的冥冥之中一定存在一丝联系。
2014.5.29 “I'm so excited to perform in salt lake tomorrow night .There are a few tickets left! The beginning of my YouTube days took place in UT so I owe a lot to that beautiful state and the many talented people there.” “明晚就要在盐湖城演出了,好激动!门票剩的不多咯!我的Youtube生涯就是在犹他州开始的,所以觉得对于这个美丽的州还有那里充满才华的朋友们,我欠了你们好多。” 评论:每张照片都抓得这么好哇!
2014.5.29 “I'm so excited to perform in salt lake tomorrow night .There are a few tickets left! The beginning of my YouTube days took place in UT so I owe a lot to that beautiful state and the many talented people there.” “明晚就要在盐湖城演出了,好激动!门票剩的不多咯!我的Youtube生涯就是在犹他州开始的,所以觉得对于这个美丽的州还有那里充满才华的朋友们,我欠了你们好多。” 评论:原来Lindsey的小癖好是这个~~~~
2014.5.30 “I love salt lake and it was the best seeing my friends and cousins at the show. Love you guys so much. Let's plan that fam reunion.” “大爱盐湖城!能够在演出中见到我的朋友和表兄们简直太赞了。爱死你们了!来计划下在农场的团聚吧!” 评论:嘿嘿,还是Lindsey最漂亮!
2014.5.31 “So excited to play my biggest show ever tonight in Denver. There are only a few tickets left, can't wait to see you all!” “今晚在丹佛的演出是我巡演中最大的一场,感觉好激动!剩的票不多啦,等不及要见到你们了!” 评论:真的好大
2014.5.31 “Thank you so much Denver for rockin with me at my first arena show! I'll remember this forever. I love you guys!” “感谢丹佛能够在我的第一场舞台演出中和我们一起狂欢!我会永远记住这里的。爱你们!”
2014.6.1 “Freedom means loving yourself enough that you can truly love the people around you and share in their success, interests and their joy! These ladies exemplify this and they have taught me so much about the joy that come from showing real charity❤️” “自由,意味着要足够爱自己,这样才能真正地你身边的每一个人,并分享他们的成功、兴趣和欢乐。她们就是这个道理的最佳践行者,并且对于如何从及时行乐中获得快乐,她们已经教会我很多。” 评论:liberalism~~
2014.6.1 “I love Nebraska and I love my boys!” “大爱内布拉斯加!我爱我的团队!” 评论:没有Lindsey团队里每个成员的分工协作和全力奉献,Lindsey也不可能将她的才华完全地展现给我们。不论是Youtube视频还是演奏会,他们都具有不可取代的地位。