Mention of the two rivers flowing past YUNG P'ING FU leads me to speak of them more fully.The larger of the two,the Lan Ho,rises in the distant plains of Mongolia over 400 miles north -west,and flows down through some of the grandest and wildest mountain scenery that North China can show.The Ch'ing Lung (Bright Dragon) River has its source in the hills some 80 miles north of the Great Wall,through which it passes at T'ao Lin K'ou (Peach Grove Pass),and is navigable by boats for only a comparatively short distance beyond the city.Joining with the Lan River at YUNG P'ING FU ,they form a wide and swiftly running stream that empties itself into the Gulf of Pechihli,50miles fuither down.
The scenery from YUNG P'ING FU to Lanchou,a short distance of 12 miles,is of the most pleasing description ,and few more enjoyable trips can be made over such a short distance.Sheltered amid the hills is the little village of Ts'ai Chia Fen,so named from the presence of the graveyard of the Ts'ai family,for such is the translation of the local name .This is a beautiful old cemetery dating back some three hundred years,terraced in white marble and crowned with a massive white memorial arch which leads to the burying-ground proper.Surmounting the graveyard is a beautiful firclad hill:the graves are kept in excellent repair,and the place has been aptly described as bearing more resemblance to the pastoral beauty of England than anything else to be seen in this pare of China.The Ts'ai family ,in olden times,was a clan of more than local importance,the founder of the family being high in Inperial favour i the days of the Ming dynasty.When the present Manchu rulers overthrew the last Ming dynasty.When the present Manchu rulers overthrew the last Ming emperor and seated themselves on the dragon throne,Ts'ai Ta Jen transferred his allegiance to the conquerors ,and is ,when he is thought of at all,held in execration by all true Chinese patriots.Compensation,however ,is found in the fact that the Manchu records speak of him in terms of highest praise.Yet his clan has fallen on evil times.There are now no official represenatives of what was once a great family,nor have there been for many long years.Nothing remains of their ancient grandeur save the lovely cemetery among the hills and a few insignificant villagers bearing the old name.