4. May and Taylor are supremely underrated talents. Lambert made the headlines, but his vocals would have nowhere to sit if Brian May and Roger Taylor weren't such pros. Last night, the former channeled David Gilmour during a brilliant extended guitar intro to "Tie Your Mother Down" and unleashed far more thrash and distortion then many would have expected. The latter, meanwhile, kept his sticks on the pulse all evening, dropping smacking martial beats during "Another One Bites the Dust" and "Radio Ga Ga."
译文:May和Taylor的天赋之前被严重低估了。Lambert在台前是主唱,但是没有Brian May和Roger Taylor的绝佳表演,他的声音也会无用武之地。昨晚,前者(Brian May)向David Gilmour在“Tie Your Mother Down”一段极棒的吉他solo前奏致敬,并彻底释放了(歌曲中的)更多的“痛苦”和“扭曲”内涵,这也是很多人所期待的看到的。而后者(Roger Taylor),整晚都保持了他的敲击的节奏感,用充满活力的鼓点贯穿了“Another One Bites the Dust”和“Radio Ga Ga”两首经典曲目。