kw7142吧 关注:499贴子:134

IP属地:美国1楼2014-06-29 14:29回复
    Gun Ban or Gun Free
    Firearms have helped Americans to get independence. American gun culture is created by the special history of earlyAmerica.In the 16th century, the first Europeanscame to theAmericas faced extremely harsh environments.

    IP属地:美国2楼2014-06-29 14:30
      On the one hand they had to resist the beast struck;on the other hand they also hadto against the local Indians. In this chaoticenvironment, there was no government toprovide effective defense measures,and firearms played an important rolein ensuring the safety of people.Then in theAmerican Revolutionary War,

      IP属地:美国3楼2014-06-29 14:30
        large numbers ofcivilians with guns joined in Washington's team,so the private firearms jumped to the height ofdefend the regime independent from the protection of individuals.

        IP属地:美国4楼2014-06-29 14:30
          Untiltoday, many Americansthink it’s largely depends on guns, Americansfinally gained independence and freedom. So guns, in the hearts of Americans, have been a symbol of freedom andindependence.

          IP属地:美国5楼2014-06-29 14:31
            Untiltoday, many Americansthink it’s largely depends on guns, Americansfinally gained independence and freedom. So guns, in the hearts of Americans, have been a symbol of freedom andindependence.

            IP属地:美国6楼2014-06-29 14:31
              defense measures, and firearms played an important role in ensuring the safety of people. Then in the American Revolutionary War, large numbers of civilians with guns joined in Washington's team,so the private firearms jumped to theheight of defend the regime independent from the protection of individuals. Until today, manyAmericans think it’s largely depends on guns, Americansfinally gained independence and freedom. So guns, in the hearts of Americans, have been a symbol of freedom andindependence.
              As early as 1776, accordingto the "Declaration of Independence" draftedby Thomas Jefferson, if thegovernment is trying to put people at the time underabsolute despotism; it is their right, to throw off

              IP属地:美国7楼2014-06-29 14:31

                IP属地:美国通过百度相册上传8楼2014-06-29 14:32

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                              IP属地:美国通过百度相册上传15楼2014-06-29 14:36